BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Ah, damn, cant be based just off the bomb or gun CCIP? or the CCIP in the GR3

You’d assume so but as we don’t know we can’t just assume. If I ever find it I’ll report it.

Okaydokie, thank you.

Thankfully rockets are rarely of use in Sim.

and it still has rocket CCIP for GRB

Frs.1 doesn’t even have the ability to carry sneb and the rp rockets are pretty bad anyway

iirc. that was an FAA thing or something. Just the Royal navy used the RP rockets and the RAF used SNEB or something

It was due to the radar

The royal navy feared the ships radar would set of the snebs fuse

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Blue Vixen RADAR changes in the latest datamine. I’m not really clued up on how RADARs work ingame so I can’t say what this will change


Damn they doubled everything

Was play with the Shar again on the Dev and I was reminded on how fast the scanning speeds are, so I wanted to ask. How advanced was the Blue Fox? I know it doesn’t have PD, MTI, high range or missile guidance but was it really as good as some say?

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To get the FRS1 approved, the RN had to massively undersell it, to the point of self-deprication. But they also made it on the cheap as much as possible, so the Blue Fox is a modified Seaspray radar fitted onto the Lynx. So it wasnt ever meant to be world beating, but was designed to operate under conditions that proved handy for the FRS1.

But even within the Shars you had 2 very different opinions on them.

NAS 800 onboard HMS Hermes didnt properly calibrate them and largely the pilots considered the radar very poor.

NAS 801 onboard HMS invincible did have them properly calibrated and advocates like Sharkey Ward praised the radar fairly highly, managing to exceed its design specifications

But it was very limited and onyl really designed for high alt intercepts

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Actually, thats an idea.

@Gunjob Could Seaspray docs be used to get the Blue Fox more scan modes? (looking at the 5° mode) (if docs can be found and it shows that it has more scan modes)

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Why not have had a radar capable of guiding something like the Skyflash and and PD but still keeping it cheap?

Because the RAF didnt want the RN to have anything, as they took sole respnosibility to defend the fleet (which went well). To get anything, they had to massively gimp it and muddy its reputation.

The FA2 is the result of the RN getting what they actually wanted/needed

The FRS1 was sold to the MOD to do one thing and one thing only, intercept soviet shadower aircraft. Something the RAF ommitted they probably couldnt do reliably. It was always assumed that any conflict (most likely with the soviets) would occur well within range of land bases where the RAF could operate Phantoms to provide exactly that kind of aircover.

The Falklands was… the least expected conflict.

Check out books like “Harrier 809” it covers a lot of this back story.

Sharkey Ward also covers a lot of the Blue Fox in his book “Sea Harrier over the Falklands”

Maybe, we’d likely need the other evidence to tie the two together.

Like an official doc stating that Blue Fox was developed from the Seaspray or something?

Yeah or the usual published books etc that confirm the link.

Screenshot 2025-03-13 152149

Like this from Harrier 809?

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What would the documents that would likely hold that kind of information be called?

User Manual? Pilots Manual?

Wasn’t the Blue Fox also upgraded when Sea Harriers got the twin missile rails in 83?