i think i stumbled on a scientific paper about british radar development about a year ago, i can try to find it again
im not sure this was the one
i think i stumbled on a scientific paper about british radar development about a year ago, i can try to find it again
im not sure this was the one
But was it changed much? I’ve read somewhere (I think it might be here) that it was x2 more capable and maybe had a PD mode but I wanted to check as it seems common knowledge that it had no PD
They got the twin rails in 1982, just after the Falklands. When NAS809 returned to the Falklands with HMS Illustrious to take up air defence, they returned with dual rails. They maintained CAP until the end of the year, when Phantoms took over
No, to my understanding the upgrade was mostly under the radar as there was already focus on making the Blue Vixen was blue falcon at the time IIRC.
It did however use its frequency agility to combat jamming targets as it could go through a few frequencies meaning the enemy aircraft would have to jam across a wider range.
Not long now till we see what the SHars are like in the update
Yep wonder if anything has been fixed since last dev.
Fixed for the EEGS is still in progress.
Is the cannon on air target mode fixed?
That is EEGS as I said, its in progress.
What about the regular gyro sight for when you can not get a radar lock?
I assume that’s being worked on too.
Thanks for the update.
CCIL is also part of the EEGS report yes.
Awesome just have to wait until the next patch hopefully.
Is there any news about the Flaps and performance?
The STR and ITR (with VIFF) are still well below the marks seen in the tactical manual
Still cant access the AAM sight mode if you have bombs unfortunately. Was hoping that would at least get fixed. But happy to report CCIP/CCRP symbology seems to be fixed on both airframes
Auto switching of AAM still in progress.
Lets just hope it doesnt take ages. I like running a few bombs on the SHars in SB, and its annoying that all that symbology is in-accessible with bombs strapped to the airframe. Thankfully, dropping them fixing that issue, so at a push. I can just ditch the bombs (which I would in a proper dogfight)
Any idea why they made the decision for the “AAM” sight mode over the symbology just appearing in the “standard” mode like it does for literally every other aircraft? Or is it just a test case before rolling it out to others
Another change, no idea if its on more aircraft or not. But the Sea Harrier FA2’s RWR sounds different
I swear the GR.7/T.10 sounds different as well
I’ll have a play after this ASB match