also AAM sight on the FRS.1
Yes however the gun sights are bugged on both planes
Oooh, very nice. I like the text promps
First and second both notched.
Didn’t realize it was this easy to notch an AMRAAM
Small target, perpendicular to the missile and against the horizon, what else would you need? Ahaha
Fair enough but with a Radar lock does it make it more likely to hit?
The missile can confirm targets with the supporting radar via DL in real life. In game if the missile loses the target after pit bull its trashed.
I see. Thanks for explaining a bit about the Radar/Missile functions.
Also do you think its possible to get the virtual instructor AOA limit increased?
I’ve had a question that needs answering from someone who understands how the RN thought during the 70s - 80s. If the Blue Fox was a PD radar with a CW illuminator, would the SHar have been able to use Sparrows and Skyflash in the inner or outer pylons? I know that the wing can carry that weight, as you can carry 484kg on the AAM rails and 2 bombs on inner pylons.
The answer is yes.
Infact they seriously considered the ability to use Skyflash. The Falklands showed the need for a longer range air to air missile capable of taking out anti ship threats.
The project was looking to be too expensive to upgrade too considering the AMRAAM frs2 upgrade was better for this in every way and not too long in the future for development.
AMRAAM was also lighter.
Would it even have needed a dedicated illuminator? The AIM-7F (and later Sparrow / AMRAAM variants) can utilize a Pulse-Doppler Illumination waveform so it would theoretically just be a revision to the radar itself, to use the newer waveform. Also worth noting is the seeker range improvements (AWG-9 excerpt) as well.
In fact that’s how the AWG-9, APG-63, -65 & -68 work.
But why not have just made it use SF in the first place, yes funding was low but there was still enough money for the fleet of generals and admirals to get their massive bonuses
Exactly that they take raises everyone else needs to get by with what’s left lol.
The Sea Harrier is the only plane is UK history that was on time and on budget.
Yes Britain used skyflash and it was different to sparrow.
The Brits never used the AIM 7F and later variants. They only used Skyflash and Skyflash SuperTemp for BVR until the AIM 120 came, then the RAF had good and effective
They still use a Monopulse seeker the same as the AIM-7M, so it should still be compatible with the guidance waveform.
Yes, they use a Monopulse seeker but the 7M has a slightly better seeker, more range and less likely to go for a friendly