BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

The Gr.9 can not carry a gun unfortunately.

The Harrier 2 is limited in speed and altitude.

But I agree with everything else.

The GR.9 is just a software / avionics upgrade over the GR.7, so as the GR.7 can carry a gun pod the GR.9 very likely can too. Obviously it didn’t do so in service though.


Nvm so that’s good to know.
The option was there if needed.

Should the Shar HUDs not be physically much bigger in game. They look far too small and the FA.2 HUD looks tiny.


Didn’t they redo the tail as well?

GR.9’s tail is the same as GR.7s.
It’s the T.10/T.12 that has a different tail, to offset balance issues extending the front fuselage for the second seat.
Rear fuselage was rebuilt (some sources say only on ones fitted with Mk.107 engines), but they look the same.

In the US, AV-8B NA and AV-8B+ have a longer heat exchanger inlet on the tail, but that was never incorporated on British Harriers.

I swear I’ve read about the tail getting replaced on the GR.9s, give me a bit I’ll see if I can find it

The Harrier III was meant to a fighter but also do some precision strike to retire the Harrier IIs that were in service, it literally said in the site I found it that it was going to carry gunpods for training missions so it doesn’t need to be learnt at other times

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Would have been basically a better AV-8B+ radar attack.

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Better than even the upgraded AV8+ that is currently being retired

I have seen that there was also a proposed radar upgrade that would have come with it that would just make it so the radar can guide more missiles in flight (talking about more mid flight course correction with datalink)

Yes the plan was to just give the Gr9As the Shars Blue Vixen Radar in the nose.
However they quoted the upgrade at like 25 million and in classic MOD fashion they called it too expensive.


Guys, a reminder please. This is not a place to discuss politics. Please keep on track.

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Sorry. Could you please confirm for use if the Harrier T.10 will be a premium or an event vehicle, even if it is not clear but we need some confirmation on what it will be


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Thank O’ great Smin :)

On the topic of Sea Harriers will the Frs.1 get its EEGS? Also will Harrier 1s get a further buff to match the E-M diagram?

There is a report open for the EEGS for FRS.1. FA.2 has just been corrected.


Awesome thanks for the update looking forward to seeing it. Thanks.

So the FRS1 is getting it this update?

(P.S FA2 has had EEGS since it was added to the game 9 months ago)

More FA2 HUD goodness the AAM mode has now been added;