Unfortunately Blue Fox was just not capable of it.
Blue Vixen never needed to have CW illumination as it was designed with AMRAAM from the start.
Unfortunately Blue Fox was just not capable of it.
Blue Vixen never needed to have CW illumination as it was designed with AMRAAM from the start.
Harriers should have a high max achievable AOA.
Nozzles should affect the pitch rate.
The harrier needs a maneuver node up to 60 degrees AOA.
Please charge your phone
Recharge your phone or I’ll steal your door mat and sell pics of your feet on OF and Feetfinder
Sus. Count me in the on the money tho.
We are here to talk about the Harriers combat abilities lol.
I shall use the money to sell more souls off to the Snail
I will slay them in the sea harrier and make them unhappy.
I shall use my SHar to destroy more souls for the Snail and get Meteors on the FRS.1 and defeat you
Lost access to your Discord account?
No, still have it. Why do you ask?
You haven’t been active recently so I just thought
Not on this account. I use this account for talking on, I origanally made this account for playing but lost the email account so now I play on @Sea_Harrier1 account and do everything outside of the forums with it
@Gunjob With the Thai AV-8Ss apparently getting Sky Guardian 200 RWRs this major update, do you think this bug report for the SQV Sea Harrier’s RWR could also be nudged?
That would be a good capability upgrade for 11.0
Might even push it back up to 11.3 if combined with EEGS, if nothing else, it will be a big boost for the FRS1 currently struggling at 11.3 already in SB vs the Mig-23MLDs
I have no issues with it at 11.3 with all the buffs.
Yup same, if the performance is truly deserving of the BR, that it should definetly move up. Id rather be at the higher BR with full capabilities than at a lower BR with none.
After Hornets sting I will see what I get put through for the VIFFing, STR and IR sigs.
They went as far as to buff them already so I think they might do it
Yep, I think a detailed and carefully written bug report for the IR signatures is going to be required, but its going to be very hard to properly report