BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

What could be really really good, is repeat the same scenario. Rear-aspect, Aim-9L at various ranges in and out of cloud but against different targets. A nice broad range. That would be perfect for a bug report I think.

(like Hunter F6, Buc S2, F-5, Mig-21, F-4, etc and where possible, in both dry and wet thrust)

Would be yes I just need someone with lots of different planes to go into a custom battle with to test.

Through clouds though is mental that’s a bug in and of its own its the only plane lockable through cloud.

Well… I can do some of those, at least anything on the British TT :D

Would be easy enough are you free?

Could compare it to F.3 and eft and the lot.

I have a little time free now

Ok ill message you on discord.

I got the F-15J & F-16AJ (Plus some Kfirs) if you want them too
Oh and the German event mig-23

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Yes for tomorrow.

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great, dm me in game or on discord after 14:00 and i’ll be free. Username is the same as here

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UK time?

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With harrier changes, is the weight capacity to still be able to perform VTOL reduced on the Gr7?

Struggling to get vertical landing functional with payload, the take off isn’t impacted too heavily, but just can’t get into a hover, even manually, to land.

Payload: 4 x GBU-12 {Outer Pylons} – 2 x AIM-9M {Dedicated Pylon} – 2 x AGM-65G {Inner Pylon} – TIALD

It should be the same.

Maybe something else changed, used to be able to hover with it, was the one I used when landing on carriers in Sim. Slightly peeving.

How much fuel?

IRL, for a harrier to Vertically land they needed to be below about 2200lb of fuel and that was without stores iirc. Not exactly sure how that translate in game. One sec let me boot up with WTRTI

14min, used to take ~20 for sim.

I can pull up the manual lol

14 mins looks to be about the maximum fuel wieght of (iirc) 2200lb.

So with weapon stores, you would need to be below that. At 15 mins (infinite fuel) I was just about coping with water injection, but dropping like a rock without.

So it seems fairly accurate to IRL.

I dont really recall ever being able to manage a VTOL landing with stores + 20 mins of fuel before. I usually always try to land below 10 mins of fuel


It was a struggle, but I did manage it a few times a long time ago.

This payload can get up off the ground and into forward flight relatively comfortably with water, the issue is getting to the ground with it.

Aye, it seems closer to reality, just feels a bit skewiff when it used to work good enough. Happy for greater accuracy, just wish there’d be some indicator somewhere.

They may have tweaked the thrust for when in the hover. They were messing about the thrust curves this major. But feels the same ish to me