BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yes I was thinking they could just do like a final years of service version.

Wonder if the Shar got any last minute updates before retirement.

Given just how much hate the FA2 had thrown at it in its last few years, Im surprised it even got cleared for ASRAAM.

But I think BOL is the other major upgrade it got during its end-of-life.

Yes I still think it could carry 4 bol on the wings personally.

4 Bol and 4 ASRAAM would be very good on a small light airframe like the Shar

With some jokes, After seeing the discussion about ASRAAM, I am a bit worried about what will happen on the forum if we get ASRAAM on GR.9A or T.12A.

“They got IIR on the strike aircraft first. Then give us F-15E/AV-8B+ AIM-9X too!”
(with underlines on ‘Strike Aircraft’ on their stat card)
Especially when I saw the ‘gib AIM-9X on F/A-18C Late.’ topic at the forum before. Xd

No chance they will come in a vacuum.

Even though the Gr7 was in desperate need of a buff in 2023 and limited deployment of Aim-9M would have helped. We only got them because the F-16C were getting them.

More than likely, we’ll get ASRAAM because the US got Aim-9X and a slim chance, we’ll get them the update later.

The minimum design requirement (from the early 1980s) for ASRAAM was for 8 km lock range against a subsonic “small fighter aircraft in military power” at all aspect angles.

So that practically translates to at least 8 km lock range directly head-on (the hardest angle to lock) and substantially more than that in any other aspect, or if the target has afterburner.

Even de-chirped AIM-9L could have some crazy lock ranges though, so in practice ASRAAM is probably better than that.


Fair enough then, though we are still waiting for those kinds of lock ranges on the Aim-9M. I still get situations where Im not getting tone with the missile well inside the LSZ at like 3 or 4 KM.

So no guarantee ASRAAM will have its correct lock ranges either

Only one nation in game uses ASRAAM that should give you an idea of the time and love Gaijin will spend on getting it right.


Yes. It will be the best IR missile for Russia because Britain (which has been heavily controlled by Russia since the 2000s)

2nd premium pre-order rank VIII for british ?

From RAF, place after Harrier GR.7

Tornado GR.4 Up to 13.3 (Air AB) and 13.0 (Air RB & SB), 2x AIM-9L replace with 2x AIM-132 (Blk 1)

Both test AIM-132 (Blk 1) only

AV-8B+ (USMC) and F-15E (USAF) from Iraq Freedom 2004 ~ 2008

But both pre integrate JHMCS and AIM-9X (Block 1)



It did not have the mk107…

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Seeing as the airframes where “upgraded” from MK105 to MK107, you could argue its true. If the F15E got its upgraded engines because “it used them” then for a a VERY short time T.10 and GR.7A would have had its engine at MK107 before the RAF redesignsted them as T.12 and GR.9A after the JUMP programe was complete

Seeing as its missing 2 BOL (balance reason) i can see it keeping the MK107 for balance reason

Pretty good stuff, weird to see it get a unasked for buff but i certainly am not complaining. Good to see the MK107 in the british tree (seeing as… we built it)


mk107 for gr7 when
why I still coping

T.10s never had Mk.107s whatsoever.
There were only two twin-seat Harriers with Mk.107s. Both were designated T.12A after installation of the new engine. And only one of those was operated by the RAF - ZH665.
Neither of the two serials on the ingame camos, had Mk.107s

What Gaijin have made is a T.12 one way or another though. It’s got a paint job from the last 6 months of Harrier service in the UK - about 4 years after the planes were converted from T.10 to T.12, and now it’s got an engine that was only on 2 out of 10 T.12s, and literally zero T.10s.
They need to rename it and start giving it Paveway IVs and a Sniper pod
To that end. here’s a ticket for getting it renamed as a T.12/T.12A for a start. Before the suggestions for Sniper, EPWII, and PWIV start appearing


Time for Gr.9A has come
6 brimstones + 4 Mavericks + 2 AAM looks very promising


Been liking the T.10 so far, however

  • would be nice for 9L’s to be a bit more reliable, they’re only really useful for people who don’t know how to flare, or preflare too much and run out, even then a passer by flaring can defeat them lmao.
  • my kingdom for EEGS or Tracers for the guns, I have no idea where my shots go 80% of the time tbh, are we sure there’s not a training tracer round or something I can learn the ballistics with?
  • having a damaged wing tip feels like the entire plane looses the ability to fly.

Yeah, 9Ls should be basically unflareable in rear aspect if the target is in reheat. But alas, they are 1 tap defeats most of the time


Im still guessing with the T.10 my current trick is to wait until Im as close as possible and hold the trigger for a 1/2 second. if it doesn’t work ill wait wait till the next opportunity. sometimes it tears them apart, sometimes it looks like it should have hit but alas i have no idea.