Yeah but Premiums smash crew training, pro tip its cheap to move your Premium vehicles around to train crews. :)
Any news on GPS guided bombs for the GR7/T.10?
I’d rather get the T.12A and GR.9A. If they come with Sniper and Brimstone they are going to be really good. Especially if they come with 6 SW/Mav’s too.
Yeah, but still would be good to get the bomb already in game added onto the aircraft actually already in game.
God knows what they are waiting for before adding the Gr9A. Maybe MMW?
Perhaps they’re waiting for ASRAAM?
I am a tad of the opinion that Aim-9Ms suck enough as it when it comes to a high ish BR with no radar. ASRAAM would sky rocket it. Might be fun, but might also be a total chore.
Afaik it has HMS, so the ASRAAMS would be excellent with it. HMS with 9Ms feels like a bit of a waste.
It would probably be overtiered a lot in ARB, but in GRB the ASRAAMs would make it very potent against enemy CAS/CAP.
personally I dont really want it to just be a GR.7 with Brimstones and HMS, I’d like it to get everything
Perhaps, but in gamemodes like ASB, you would be pretty much limited to VID range, all the while defending against Fox-3s and other Gen 5 IRs
I agree 9Ms handle so weird
They will just randomly either not track or go straight into the ground.
Its less that, I have no real issues with the 9Ms themselves, but rather the BR. At 12.7 (in SB) you are against aircraft with almost every single advantage against you, if you can get on tehir tails and fire an Aim-9M, great. If not you are sat on the defensive most of the time.
In the T.10, you can actually go and move mud and comfortably gunfight anything that comes to try and stop you. I feel horribly exposed half the time in the Gr7 whenever I play from the lack of radar or even target ID’ing RWR. Let being in a subsonic aircraft that has to overextend to do its job. Even if you win the dogfight, something like a Mig-29 will be airbourne and back on your tail long before you’ve made it back to base
This is true.
When in sim with the Gr.7 I used bait and wait “tactics”
I let someone who I think is an enemy pick me up on radar and wait to see how they move and if they launch.
After than just stay low and they will come in to fight you and if they do you can beat just about any plane dumb enough to fight you.
You could always use the targetting pod for finding and identifying targets, that what I do with the AV-8B NA in sim, it works really well tbh
In terms of the aircraft you’d be fighting, it would probably be a struggle, but the ASRAAMS have some pretty excellent range for IR missiles. Close the distance a bit and you should win.
The Gr.7 out turns a MiG-29 pretty easily
TIALD I find that a tad useless, which is a problem in the GR7. The FLIR and Litening III on the GR4 are pretty good for that though.
But its still far far more awkard, especially when doing 10 different things at once, especially if that includes defending against an incoming ARH
Without a radar to slave them too, I do wonder how limited the range will be on a radar-less airframe like the GR9A. Yes, should be excellent, but where as you could probably sling one at 25-30km in the Typhoon, It may be more like 10km in the GR9A, simply because that is range you need to be to get a lock. (Im doubting we’ll have any LOAL modes for them)
The GR.9 has a better targetting pod than the TIALD, i forget which one, the SNIPER pod i think? Much better thermal generation.
In terms of radar slaving, you don’t have radar but you do have HMS, so you can launch them at high angles. I’m not sure that radar slaving really improves the range on IR missiles much, I could be wrong though.
Yeah, which will help greatly in the GR9, but with ASRAAM it will be up against things with AESA, more than likely slinging both ARH and Gen 5s back at you.
Im just concerned its going to end being a chore aircraft, and one you rarely play (in ASB at least) simply because of that fact.
Yeah, but still will require being in visual range.
I can never remember if ASRAAM has DL or not. I want to say it does, but dont quote me on that. I might be getting it confused with its ground launched cousin
Sea Harrier FA.2 would like to say hello.
Yep, though… being limited to the Aim-120Bs might be an issue. Out of all of them. I reckon the F3 should get the ASRAAMs and move up as it can also get Aim-120C5s and Phimat Pod(s) for extra CMs.
What if they just added a 3rd Harrier and Tornado.
Make them 14.0 with asraam
That would be the best option for both.