@DevilO6, @Gunjob, @Flame2512, how good are your contacts? could you guys get it at least implemented on the Tornado F.3?
Janes ALW 2002
I see it also says “or a long ranged version powered by ramjet known as Rb 73”
this would be interesting…
Finless Skyflash
Finless Skyflash Ramjet
Looks so much like Meteor
Sure does. No, that is not a coincidence.
was it ever intended for the viggens?
F3 is fairly solid at 12.0, bumping it’s BR up with ARH seems silly. Phimat, BOL overhaul and maybe 9Ms is all it needs.
As for the Gr9. Again seems silly. I’m already hesitant about ASRAAM forcing it to an unfun BR with no radar and already kinda hate the Gr7 for being the BR it is with 9Ms. ARH is just not a good choice for it even if it was possible (outside of Brimstones of course)
I like the BR where the F.3 is at but what I’m saying is that the ASF shouldn’t increase the BR as in has no datalink and is the same as regular Skyflash with exception that it guides itself
@Gunjob Could you beat… I mean nudge the devs about GPS guided bombs for the Harrier Gr7 please
lets talk about this
Im really hoping it only has 9Ls and so is sat at 11.7
its a GR7 with a 2seat trainer i am guessing 12.0 or 11.7 with aim 9 Ms and as always Gijin is avoiding the GR9A and adds something like this that i dont mind but common gr9a plz
It could have either. Gr7 had 9Ls for its first year. Im hoping for the lower BR because its far more forgiving in ARB/ASB and an AV-8B(NA) direct equivalent with 9Ls would make sense
Especially with the GR5 denied for now
@Gunjob Is there any news on the AV-8B+ finally getting the radar lock box on the HUD? Been an issue since it first released for Italy 1 and a half years ago.
The Harriers deserve full attention this update.
Was flying the Shar in test flight yesterday and I must say that it is so much fun now. Love the new HUD but the performance increase is very noticeable, blacking out my shitty low level pilot quite easily
No updates yet apologies
Ohh yes lmao.
with 70 percent fuel the turn time has been shaved by about 9 seconds and its getting really close to IRL.
Acceleration is about 100 MPH more for any given time.