BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Interesting they left the 65D. Wasn’t on my list of suggestions but glad to see the 65G anyway.



Why AGM-65D change the location down to hit armored targets ? it’s not guidance CCD like AGM-65H

AGM-65D move back to hit ground targets ?

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The D has a HEAT war head for anti armour whereas the G doesn’t

65D is anti tank focused, 65G is kill everything focused.

AGM-65D as a IR guidance and destroy everything like AGM-65G, Harrier GR.7 never deployed guidance TV/CCD AGM-65

Excuse me but I might hope AGM-65D back to hit ground targets and located before AGM-65G

In 2nd or 3rd major update gajin add AGM-65E to hit armored targets instead

G is IR. It has blast warhead instread of HEAT. For the game purpose it means it can overpessure

AGM65G currently in game is IR. not TV.


Yea, thats what i was supposed to write. Thanks for correcting me

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Even though AGM-65D as a IIR like AGM-65G but it’s warhead HEAT and armor penetration same AGM-65H

OK It’s my mistake and gajin proceed correct

I’m getting confused is the Mave G IR or TV/CCD


What do you mean

doesn’t that If I Recall

Edit: I mean I know IR (Infrared)

Imaging infrared or “IIR” . Regular infrared is just “IR”

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It is a IR, but instead of just looking for a heat source it can diffirentiate shapes and can remember and guide onto them. That is why things like Mavs should not redirect themselfs onto dead corpses, but game does game.

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Ahh, Thanks @Gunjob

Thanks. That makes sense IRL how they were still so accurate

What was the range of the GR.7s MAW Radar

3,5km in game