Interesting they left the 65D. Wasn’t on my list of suggestions but glad to see the 65G anyway.
Why AGM-65D change the location down to hit armored targets ? it’s not guidance CCD like AGM-65H
AGM-65D move back to hit ground targets ?
The D has a HEAT war head for anti armour whereas the G doesn’t
65D is anti tank focused, 65G is kill everything focused.
AGM-65D as a IR guidance and destroy everything like AGM-65G, Harrier GR.7 never deployed guidance TV/CCD AGM-65
Excuse me but I might hope AGM-65D back to hit ground targets and located before AGM-65G
In 2nd or 3rd major update gajin add AGM-65E to hit armored targets instead
G is IR. It has blast warhead instread of HEAT. For the game purpose it means it can overpessure
AGM65G currently in game is IR. not TV.
Yea, thats what i was supposed to write. Thanks for correcting me
65D is anti tank focused, 65G is kill everything focused.
Even though AGM-65D as a IIR like AGM-65G but it’s warhead HEAT and armor penetration same AGM-65H
OK It’s my mistake and gajin proceed correct
I’m getting confused is the Mave G IR or TV/CCD
What do you mean
doesn’t that If I Recall
Edit: I mean I know IR (Infrared)
Imaging infrared or “IIR” . Regular infrared is just “IR”
It is a IR, but instead of just looking for a heat source it can diffirentiate shapes and can remember and guide onto them. That is why things like Mavs should not redirect themselfs onto dead corpses, but game does game.
Thanks. That makes sense IRL how they were still so accurate
What was the range of the GR.7s MAW Radar
3,5km in game