BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I’m not an employee, I’m a volunteer.

These “Technical data and discussion” threads are about the aircraft in real life, not just the aircraft as its represented in game.

Not fully

yeah because the IRIS-T or Rb99 aren’t in the game


Neither is AIM-9L(i)

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In real life the harrier GR.7 could use:

  • AIM-9G
  • AIM-9L
  • AIM-9M
  • ASRAAM (in testing)

Gaijin look at that list and narrow it down to:

  • AIM-9G - Not good enough for it’s BR
  • AIM-9L - This works well as a stock missile
  • AIM-9M - This works well as an upgrade missile
  • ASRAAM - This would be crazy OP and game breaking so won’t be added (yet)

So out of that list the Harrier GR.7 get’s given AIM-9L and AIM-9M. It’s realistic because it used those missiles in real life. Gaijin just aren’t reflecting every single weapon the aircraft carried.


Updated the OP anyway. @Flame2512 found a doc in the National Archives that confirms the Harrier II’s SMS could handle 6x Sidewinder/ASRAAM. And the manuals confirm its possible with an adaptor.


:D gib

I could only wish Gaijin cared about realism…

Ok, here take the 1D gun repair time and 10h track repair, 4h plane rearm? Yes Sir!

Yes, I agree

All loadouts are a balance decision. Challenger DS should have L26, but it doesnt for balancing reasons. Jaguar and Phantoms could have Aim-9L, but again, balancing decision. Even the Sea Harrier FRS1 could have AIm-9M. But all loadouts vehicles do have are accurate/possible

Now. Could the Gr7 get Aim-9Gs, sure. But its already probably very hard to spade with 2x 9Ls. I couldnt imagine trying to do it with 9Gs. Additionally. You’d almost never use them when you have 9Ls and 9Ms to choose from. So 9Gs could just be a choice, but a potentially unnecessary one and the Gr7 already has missing loadout options which would be more helpful to get


when you get penned your crew run away

just move to 10.3 Gajin please

So thats why hitting my roof mg causes my crew to die


Yeah, I really dont get why they wont do that. Id be more than happy with that

AGM-65G/H are here, maybe we can get them on the Gr.7 now?


I hope to see them on the AV8B + too

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The GR.7 has MAWS now!

