BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

That is a DJRP (Vinten Digital Joint Reconnaissance Pod)

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Which TIALD pod do we have in-game currently? 400 or 500? is there much difference between them?

TIALD 500 has double the zoom and a new thermal imager

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Knowing Gaijin, probably a pre production TIALD pod they found some obscure reference to with worse optics


Nah, 400
Source :

I think when we talked about changes to the Tpod we have in game, and that was talked bout it must be it

or make suggestion let it change to TIALD 500

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I cant do it, i have 0 sources on 500

Flame probably has some detailed documents. That man and Gunjob are going to lift Britain out of the dark ages and bring us into the light.


Who knows. We can report and suggest as much as we want. Whether it is added or no is up to snail.

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Ladies and gentlemen I give you

I would like to thank @shar for donating this to me. Aeroguide 26 British Aerospace Harrier GR5 GR7 PDF | PDF
Without him this wouldn’t be possible.


Well looks like the SHAR FA.2 has competition as the UK VTOL AMRAAM slinger.

There’s just one thing that was bothering me.

I’m interested to see if the inner pylon could use the dual rack. It would definitely overload the plane but would allow for more variety of mixed A/A and A/G loads.

Well, i am either reading it wrong, or it is just an article about AV8B Plus. I do not see antyhing here that would involve uk having it

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I’ll just leave it here

Some horriers

That happened irl. the tactic to deal with that was to slam the throttle into idle the precise instant you were about to collide/explode/make contact with the floor.

Tremors talks about it on his first flat top landing

Like in the first 2 instances it will make any difference ;)

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yeah, thats where I read it from

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