Very nice +1
I don’t think so. Judging by the name, this sounds more like the Section Variant (SV), whereas the one with more ammunition is called the Fire Support Variant (FSV).
I love SA vehicles. Everyone of them is unique (other then ollifant mk1)
yeah, I definitely think the FSV should be the one we get in-game. The SV, or whatever the basic version is called, has 400 rounds which is really not much while the FSV has 6-800
I 100% agree. The higher ammunition capacity would give the Badger FSV greater flexibility, since you wouldn’t need to reload at a cap as often.
Also, I wanted to add something I found regarding the gun. Apparently, the GI-30 (or EMAK 30) is fed via two hoppers, one of which contains 25 rounds and another containing 15 rounds, for a total of 40 rounds. The hoppers are reloaded by hand, which is kinda unique for a modern weapon system. The rate of fire is kinda slow, at 115 RPM, but its a closed breech system, meaning it’s theoretically more accurate than the Bushmaster (up to 4000m supposedly).
Denel also created their own indigenous ammunition for the GI-30/EMAK 30, that includes API-T, SAPHEI, and HE, and since it uses 30x173mm NATO rounds, it shares ammo with stuff like the A-10, CV9030, PUMA, and KF41, among others. Sadly, I can’t seem to find any concrete information on either the gun or the ammunition, aside from this one blog, so if anyone has any more information to add, that’d be very much appreciated!
EDIT: According to a sales brochure linked by @SuTa_basuto, the EMAK-30 had a fire rate of 180-200 RPM, and was fed by a 40-round and 30-round hopper, with an additional 4 rounds in the feeder for a total of 74 rounds. I’m unsure which is correct though.
This would be very nice to have as a stopgap between the Warrior and the Desert Warrior!
has denel considered mounting both ingwes and a 30mm together ?
also at the Africa expo it was mentioned that a previously developed 8x8 chassis could be used instead of the patria. As issues with patria has led to delays for the badger programme
They have done it but not for the badger
Malaysia have this thing Deftech AV8 Gempita
So if I’m reading this right, the EMAK 30’s API round is either an APC or an APCBC round, which would be a huge increase in penetration over regular AP. Which begs the question, is it just an APC round, or is it an APCBC round?
It’s supposed to really only have 30mm APFSDS and SAP (as far as I know the SAP is more like APC but it is quite hard to find any info)
I hate the idea of subtrees, so hopefully in 2025 this gets added to a SA tree. There are many Boxer type varients that would better suit the tree, I see no need of adding this to the UK - yet I would love to see this in game
Firstly there will likely be no SA tree, it may be possible with copy paste but it was added as a sub and Gaijin have never turned a sub into a tree.
Secondly the devs have stated no new trees will be coming in 2025 only subs and filler. And if the leaks mean anything the next tree will probably be Visegrad (Eastern European nations).
Thirdly (this may be misunderstanding what you are saying) badger is based in the Patria chassis not the boxer
1 - Never say never with the snail lol.
2 - Never listen to a ““leak””.
3 - I meant that the UK Boxer Prototypes with a 30/35/40mm, near idential to this “Boxer SV” in gameplay (in War Thunder), are much better suited to the tree and should be added instead of this. This vehicle is more suited to an independent South African tree, which has more than enough vehicles to fill. I would love to see the “Badger SV” in War Thunder, just not in the UK tree.
Well the “no new trees in 2025” is from BvvD
And the leaker for Visegrad is pretty reliable.
And you could add the Badger to the South African line and hence still have the space for more ifvs in the 3rd line
I understand, but why not produce a whole new tree with just SA in it?
There are, and always have been, plenty of UK vehicles to fill the TT without SA. Hence why, I’m saying remove all SA vehicles from the UK tree and create a new one.
It’s difficult to make this change, people may have purchased RSA vehicles to grind the UK tree, raises questions about sub trees as a whole in general.
It exacerbates the copy paste issue further which people arguably have a greater issue with.
More difficulties for the matchmaker as I can’t imagine that many players.
See some of Smin’s comments on various debates as why Indian particularly soviet vehicles were added to Britain.
This is more of an issue with sub trees in general see
Subtree Rework - Nation Folders