BAC TSR.2 - Technical Data and discussion

You have a suggestion I can vote at?

I would if i knew how to make one. Spent about an hour on one before just to have the mods never get back to me about it. It just vanished on me.

The two primary options would be the Tornado Gr1B, which was the anti-ship variant of the Tornado Gr1. Identical in every respect except it had the ability to carry and fire Sea Eagle ASMs or the Saudi Torando Gr1 which was ex-RAF Gr1s sold to the Saudis, they use a mix of British and American bombs and could come either with or without guided weapons.

I dont beleive there is a public suggestion for either however, though I think Gunjob has a tech mod suggestion in for the Gr1B.

Though they could just do what they did with the italians and add a C&P of a Tornado Gr1 from before 1991

onsidering the ground br of said tornado is 10.3, it would be a whole lot of fun using ccrp. Having that much chaff on a super sonic at those brs would make it kinda fun unlike trying to use the gr 1 rn facing f16s/15s every match with a pantsir up your ass.

Yeah, I think im almost more envious of the WTD61, MFG and A200 ability to be used at 10.3 to provide low level carpet bombs in GRB than I am of the fact they are at 11.3 in ARB/ASB. (which for me these days makes bugger all difference with the Mig-23MLD moving down to 11.3 in sim) Especially as 10.7 is my usual go-to for ground

10.3 was my old go to but thats been moved to 10.7. So i guess its back the good ol chally mk2 and TTD (TTD not being moved up is the best thing thats happened to the british tree as its a menace in down tiers as most rounds bellow 105mm dm33 cant pen it).

For me, I dont think it changes anything much, you’ll face the exact same tanks in a full uptier you always did. But instead of the only CAP option being the Sea Harrier FRS1e, I can now use the Sea Harrier FRS1 and/or the Phantom FGR2/FG1. In fact due to the FRS1 having the wrong designation, I can use both without issue

Would be nice if they finally changed the sea harriers (or even all harriers) designation from strike aircraft to fighter. Its anoying knowing my buc and harrier share the same spawn cost. Makes bringing out anything bellow 10.7 a pain as its all just strike aircraft in the british tree…

FA2 got changed. Gr1/Gr3/Gr7 all have the correct designation. So does the AV-8A, AV-8C and AV-8B(NA)

I dont know about the AV-8B+, whether it would be better to class it as ground attack or naval fighter. Though its probably advantageous to leave it as a strike aircraft, so you can use something like an F-16 along side it for CAP/Multirole

Just the FRS1e and FRS1 that have the wrong designation imo

Never mind, heres two I missed:

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man, if we had the Falkland mod Vulcans and Victors…

Vulcan flying over you in ground would be a sight to see. especially if they give it its 9gs, martels and flares. But if they did add it we would have to have 2 variants as the later models didnt have the iconic howl due to different engines.

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It was passed to the devs, as myself and Flame made the suggestion. For context I work on an Avro Vulcan B.2 as a Volunteer assisting with maintenance when I can, but doing guided cockpit and aircraft tours.

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And yes, only the Avro Vulcan B.2 models with the Bristol Olympus 201 engines made the harmonic resonnence issue at low alt at low speed.
Every version before and after never had the issue (or only ever so slightly in the background). A suspected 2/3rds ish never did that howl.

It’s just every documentary made in the last 20-40 years involved Avro Vulcan B.2’s with 201’s doing airshows. And for embellishment said things like the “iconic” Vulcan howl.

indeed, have seen said suggestion, hence why I bring it up (it’d be cool!)

also, damn fine volunteering position!

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I’ve had and idea for next top tier strike bomber, would anyone like to hear my suggetion?

Go ahead ig

So my idea is to do what the British did in WW2, and it is to make an OP Swordfish for 12.0.
This new Swordfish would have:

  • An EJ200
  • Stormshadow
  • CAPTOR radar
  • Meteors
  • All Brimstone models
  • Stiker II HMD
    and for good measure stealth capabilities with a top airframe speed of Mach 6.

This would be a great addition to the game and 100% real. :)))))))))




I know… I made a masterpiece