Aviation BR14.0 stock grind

Grinded the Rafale and just starting Eurofighter now.

Stock grinding at this BR without having any chaffs (even limited) just shouldn’t exist.


its quite annoying that on the eurofighters you can literally see the deployable radar decoy yet gaijin will probably never implement it. Even though chaff is so incredibly nerfed now


I’ve yet to intentionally bring chaff in my loadouts cause of the playstyle I use.
Though the mod itself should just be removed.

Chaff effectiveness has not changed in years.

I’m fairly sure they nerfed BOL chaff to about 1/4 the effectiveness of standard chaff at some point.

At what BRs? Even at 11.7 you’ll still need chaff to help with Aim-7 variants, R-24Rs and other stuff you face. You are able to go without it if you want to play lawn mowing simulator, but that isn’t always possible, and it severely limits your gameplay options.

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Well BOL isn’t just chaff, that’s the thing.
At top BR, 14.0.
TWR of 1:1 really makes climbing not particularly useful. Lookup modes on missiles are always superior to look down modes.

See? Lying by making claims about me that he has no way of knowing and trying to turn this around on me like he always does.

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But even if you’re not climbing, relying completely on multipathing to dodge missiles doesn’t seem very enjoyable, and it really limits what you can do.

Yes, but it’s still limiting to what you are able to do. Needing to always think about multipathing and putting your plane in a position to do so, can put you in a worse position in general.

You never said that you were in favour of removing the mod, and it seemed like you implied that it shouldn’t be removed.

Another baseless claim! Can we get a third?

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please keep it on topic

BOL was changed to being 1/4 a normal countermeasure not too long ago and its been pretty wonky since the bug that accidentally disabled it a couple months ago

Bro never knows the actual effectiveness of chff

Should u question about the inexistant historical accuracy, better not call it chff, use stripes instead lmfao

That’s exacly the point.
Not to mention it don’t always work (if the missile come with a very high dive angle), and the terrain of some maps make this tactic unreliable.
And flying at tree level all the time requires a lot of your concentration, that you can’t use to keep a good SA.