Autocannone da 47/32 su Lancia 3Ro

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Autocannone da 47/32 su Lancia 3Ro.


The Lancia 3Ro was a heavy truck produced by Lancia Veicoli Industriali) for the civilian market and for military service. Based on the old Lancia Ro-Ro and Ro, the new truck was produced in 1937, initially called Lancia Tipo 102. The new truck was set up by Officine Viberti of Turin, now a leader in the sector and a valuable partner of Lancia. Over fifteen thousand examples of the vehicle were produced and used by the Royal Army on all the war fronts in which it was involved, such as North Africa. With the start of the Second World War and the delay in supplies of reconnaissance and combat vehicles on that front during the war, there was the need to replace the vehicles that had not arrived at the departments. The use of cannons on trucks was experimented with, thus giving rise to the famous autocannons which soon became very famous. Seeing that the experiment worked and that the means continued to run low, hundreds of turntables for 20 and 47 pieces (the most common pieces on that front) were ordered from the Benghazi Artillery Directorate to be applied on the trucks. The 4th Antitank Truck Battalion, a battalion of the “Granatieri di Sardegna” division, was one of the units that equipped its Lancia 3Ro with a 47 mm piece, the famous and well-known 47/32 Model 1935. The body of the vehicle was modified to support the cannon, probably placed on the turret ring of a decommissioned M tank. Not much is known about what happened to the vessel, but it is likely that it was destroyed during the fighting with the prominent English forces or that it was abandoned by the crew at those times.

Armaments and propulsion.

The vehicle was armed with the Cannone da 47/32 Model 1935 cannon, a piece now well known given its use on a large part of Italian combat vehicles. The vehicle’s ammunition supply is not known but it was certainly abundant given the width of the rear of the truck.
In terms of engines, the truck was powered by a Lancia Tipo 102 4-stroke diesel engine, delivering up to 93 HP of power, which allowed the truck to reach 45 km/h.



Crew: 7
Length: 7.25m
Width: 2.35m
Height: 3 m
Weight: 5.7 tons
Engine: Lancia Tipo 102 diesel
Armament: 1x 47/32 Modello 1935
Maximum speed: 45 km/h

Pictures and drawnings.


Fronte africano. Come si svolge l'organizzazione logistica e tattica del nuovo fronte di Battaglia dopo la conquista di Sidi El Barrani - Archivio storico Istituto Luce



Lancia 3Ro - Tank Encyclopedia
Camionetta desertica mod.42/43 -
Lancia 3Ro - Wikipedia
Cannone da 47/32 Modello 1935 - Tank Encyclopedia
LA MECCANIZZAZIONE DELL'ESERCITO FINO AL 1943 tomo II -parte 2 by Biblioteca Militare - Issuu
Qattara - Daniele Moretto
47/32 Mod. 1935 - Wikipedia
“Automezzi italiani della seconda guerra mondiale”
I GRANATIERI DI SARDEGNA by Biblioteca Militare - Issuu


Huh neat, I could see it as an alternative to the AS 42 version. Take my +1


The lovely Lancia! +1

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The best alternative to AS 42 is AS 43

I am sorry to say this, but this vehicle is inferior to AS 42.

  • Particularly high silhouette easy to target.
  • It cannot shoot forward.
  • Slower.

Despite this it can be put to BR 1.3

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Just because it cannot shoot forward really isn’t saying much if it’s inferior. The vehicle would perform fine. There’s little to say otherwise. Since this is one of those vehicles you flank with not use in the frontlines.


In Gaijin’s opinion, yes this vehicle is inferior to the AS 42.
Think of the German ‘3.7cm Flak 36’ vehicle, which also has the same shortcomings:

  • Particularly high silhouette, easy to hit.
  • Cannot shoot forward.
  • Slower.

That is why it is at BR 1.7 despite having a cannon that can easily stand at BR 2.3

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Mate this vehicle isn’t even in-game your trying to put words into essentially the mouths of devs or even suggestion moderators whenever they see it as inferior or not. At the end of the day solely depends on how it would perform in the game, the AS-42 is already annoying and this would just do the same thing except unlike those vehicles the truck would be gone or dead. Since having the direction of where you would drive pointing somewhere else to some is seen as a pro, not a con. Others it may be seen as a con however the AS-42 isn’t exactly protected by anything this truck is and would stand a slightly higher degree than the armored car.


Maybe you should calm down… I didn’t put any words in the developers mouth I just described his weaknesses, whether you want to accept them or not is another matter.
Anyway, you show you have skill problems if it bothers you so much AS-42 is so easy to kill just press spacebar. The same can be said of this truck, which can be destroyed with a single blow of HE or by pressing space bar.

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It happened to me a lot of time, and this is why I don’t really like the AS.42 with the 47 mm.

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The difference is one is exposed to everything. The other is not and gives you around 3 to 4 seconds to get out of the way.

Most are also not going to be using HE shells if you do, then your one of the few.

Voted maybe ,put that cannon on Lancia delta HF and then yes

The racing car?


Sadly it wasn’t done.

This truck is literally a “cabriolet” and is exposed to everything, I don’t see why you are so afraid of this truck.

Players who behave like this are not to be imitated and only show that they are beginners in the game, these players need to learn that it is not a simple “point and click” those who play like this and then complain do not deserve consideration.

All pro players bring different types of ammunition into battle which you then use as appropriate.

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And then there’s me, an almost pro-player who carries a maximum of two types of ammunition.

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It is important to remember that it also depends on the type of tank you use–not all tanks can carry different types of ammunition… Some tanks are limited to only 2 types of ammunition, because that is how they were implemented by the developers in the game.

Most of the time I too carry only 2 types of ammunition, but if I have the opportunity I get to the maximum of 3 so that I am prepared depending on the type of enemy I face.

Trivial example: When I am to play with the “75/34 m42” I carry 30 APCBC (I use them as main ammunition against medium tanks), 2 or 3 HE (I usually use them at the end of the game against enemy anti air), 13 HEAT (Against heavily armored tanks like KV).

I don’t consider myself a Pro player either, but what I wanted to point out is that a person who knows this game knows that if he wants to increase his survival propabilities, it is best to carry different types of ammunition in combat depending on what kind of enemy he faces, so that he is prepared for anything.

So am I the only crazy one who only brings HEAT?

XD I think not, I think there are players like that.
However, when I was early in my gaming experience, I used to carry only HEAT for the “75/34 m42,” but then I realized the importance of having different ammunition depending on the situation.