Attica Is By Far The WORST MAP MADE

Once again we have a “New Map” that’s just a Bolw with the Cap Points in the bottom and Chokepoints for you to pass through from spawn. This map should have a Max BR of 6.7.

Red Low ground.
Orange is the choke points
Blue is the Spawn camping location/Defender’s advantage



Berlin exists.

Berlin has a Max BR of 6.7


Berlin can be fun, if you play from the north…


Certainly a contender for worst designed map in WT. I still prefer it over Aral sea or playing fields of poland


Vietnam, Alaska and Fulda (in that same order) exists prior to Attica.


Fulda is fine since it doesn’t take 30s to begin spawncamping as it isnt a 30cm² COD map made for zoomers with a low attention span


I haven’t had this map so far, maybe I’m lucky I haven’t but I immediately knew it would suck when I saw the garbage MOBA style layout, this map is pathetic for a tank game.


It’s also infinitely worse than Attica.

Very much incorrect.

well ive never lost from the north and my best low tier snipe was on that map so idk

Had it once, got merc’d twice in a row so never really experienced it but it seemed kinda large.

Might be an alright/interesting map if we were able to use infantry and climb over rock’s.

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The fact that there’s a massive imbalance between spawns is proof that Berlin is the worst map.


The bastogne map is just as bad for it but I never see as much hate

I like Berlin a helluva lot more than Attica.

Berlin so one of my favorite maps but I can never get it.

Also, imagine playing Russia on Attica, if you don’t go to C and find the weird spots behind the enemy lines you can’t get the gun depression


If you mean Ardennes, there is not nearly as much imbalance in that as in Berlin.

I played the hilly bits with the Type 74, which only has 6 degrees of depression, and I did fine. If you can’t make it work, that’s a you problem.

thats the map, couldnt remember the name of it. the southern spawn is completely unprotected from any semi-competent flanking. Was my ban map for a long time

-6 is double that of -3 lol

Your logic is a problem