Attica - Feedback Thread

Attica — a new location for Ground Battles will be added in the upcoming “Storm Warning” major update.

This will be the only map available in the rotation on this dev server for Ground Battles.

Check it out and leave feedback in this thread!


Wondering what is the inspiration source of this map 🤔, rock assets are so familiar…

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What’s the BR range for this map? It seems really small and cramped so I’m hoping low tier only.

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On the dev stream they said all BRs

clearly turkey

Korean map 38th Parallel

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I really don’t think this map fits for 7.7+ and I personally think that it should be limited to those lower BRs

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havent played dev but my feedback is that the map looks great from what I have seen

My feedback is it does have great looks and balance in terrain but its simply too small for higher tier battles. Protected spawns also means ways out can be easily blocked and saturated, on top tier it might lead to battles that are decided after 1st engagement. Map also lacks deep steep and high cover like denser cities which helps mitigate enemy air power. Because of that i think it should be limited to lower brs up to like 7.7 where its small size makes it exciting but not too prone to one side getting overrun with no chance to counter.


What is it with Gaijin and these random rock formations plastered everywhere? Is it just their lazy way of forcing point blank engagements.

These rock formations simply are not natural.


Feed back for attica?

good for bin.
To small, to tricky, bad agencement, impossible to have different size versions, you can so easy cover spawn outting but the team “spawn trapped” can’t use spawn protection for eventualy eliminate enemies who praticly spawn kill.
Not any passages to others sectors of the map, not any covers or too large covers, TOO MANY GULLS OF ETRANGLEMENTS AND MANDATORY PASSAGES.

The ground is TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slippery…

even wargaming makes better maps than this for world of tank…

Hey GJ, if you want accelerate battles, i suggest you a new map!!!
Field: just a plane field with 2 spawns at 500m from each other. Simply to code, fast battles guaranteed…


It feels too constrained to be used for anything even remotely Cold war and up. I can see it be used for 5.7s or 6.7s where tigers fight IS2s and similar. For those types of tanks its not bad but for modern vehicles that can just hold down an angle and completely deny any and all attacks its worthless.

Its bad for modern light tanks because theres hardly any flanking routes to take, everything is basically a massive funnel.
Its bad for modern MBTs because a fast MBT can just drive to certain spots and lock down routes straight from spawn.
Its bad for any kind of modern TDs because every type of combat on there is going to be mainly frontal, meaning that anything that needs to play carefully or use specific spots to be able to combat MBTs is gonna be useless.
Its bad for modern SPAAs because once you spawn youre in basically a funnel tunnel and theres almost no way to hide from helicopters or CAS planes while being relatively somewhat safe from ground vehicles.

Its one of the most ill devised maps for high BR tank combat ive seen in a while and you guys have turned Tunisia into a cutting board with few rocks!
Lock it to basically 1.0-6.7 or 1.0-7.7 and dont ever make it for modern vehicles.

You have essentially remade Sweden but without buildings.


looks sexy, looking forward to seeing it on live. haven’t tried it on dev

i had some texture problemes, which didnt improve even with setting graphics on max, until i found out that tree render range wasnt increased even on max settings