Atomic Bomb reward

The reward for an atomic bomb is a joke. I think 30K SL is far too little to make it worth dropping the nuke at all. In rounds where I get a nuke, I usually earn more than 30K SL in the time I drop the nuke. I think the reward should be at least 100k SL+ and 10K research points. And if the snail is in a patronizing mood, a small GE reward wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Otherwise, I can hardly see the point of dropping a nuclear bomb.


Think the issue isn’t the atomic bomb reward.

The issue is that rewards do not scale.

Best Squad, Heavy Metal Hero, Thunderer etc are massive rewards at prop tier/early ww2.

Down the line though, they fall off pretty badly.

Atomic bomb is a pretty good reward for 7.3 with no premium

It’s likely not for 10.0+ with premium.

Rewards should be floored at their current value and scale by tier you unlock them.


I don’t really drop nukes because of this, hahah.

Most of the times, I get moreSL and RP just by staying on the fight than I would do by ending the match right away with a nuke.

I only drop earned nukes in these scenarios:

1- if I die and have no spawns left.
2- inminent defeat, to turn the tables.
3- if the enemy team has not much more to kill left.

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Insta win when your teams losing.

(I’ve gotten one twice when this was happening, made it worth the while)

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Because teammates exist

Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. And if there were no close air support, I have decks with which I would have a nuke every second round.

Pointless spam

why pointsless please tell us

and another one