I think Gaijin narrowing the map is pants, but then again in a way makes it more challenging and if you are able to work in a team you can shot, scoot and be covered. The worst bit is they either took away all the good sniping spots by making them OOB, putting rocks in the way or making the slope just too slippy.
It is what it is, play the map, chalk it up and pray you don’t get it 15 times in a row like they are not rotating maps at the moment.
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funnel maps when i was playing WOT players revolted by not playing it until they changed itback
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With gajin narrowing maps makes it harder for newer players due to having a sort of point to point game only problem is half the time the enemy has both or all three points and to dislodge them is either bomb them which is virtually impossible with the amout of plane spawns you get or arty them which again is more luck than judgement because it never falls where you want it too and lastly do a charge of the light brigade and steam head first in which again you lose .
Having all the flanking spots blocked up has
1, given the enemy the advantage to sit and wait
2, Reduced the effectiveness of the more experienced player who can find spots and shoot and scoot keeping the enemy guessing
3 , made the entire map and game not worth spending cash on the game when eventually players will get bored and find something else to play
getting the same on all maps they removed white rock fortress bet that will be a shadow of the former map