Ash River Issue

So I ran into this problem a day ago and I wanted to see if any of you think this is fair (sorry for the Jpegs):

So yeah, one side clearly has access to a high sniping spot while the other does not. For those of you who want it, heres the link for the replay:

The high sniping spot can be countered with smoke, artillery and the dreaded CAS.


Based on the perspective of the screenshot, the left side currently holds the best position in height and cover, while, despite having more free vision, the right side lacks cover, you’ll be mostly shot from any side in this map if you try to camp somewhere but between the rocks on the left side spawn.

Smoke only lasts so long, and the moment its gone, youre uncovered. And with the way this map is, you cant move far without coming under fire from somewhere else. Artillery you have to be close enough to call it in the area, and you have to hope it hits. CAS is assuming the other team doesnt counter with fighters and doesnt have SPAA.

Exactly what Im saying. And the right side cant access the high sniping point on their side of the map due to the no-go zone. The left side can make it through the zone and get to their sniping spot before theyre forced to abandon their tank.

Personally, i have always prefered the right side’s sniping spot.

Regardless, we all know gaijin’s solution will be to red zone it.