I guess our friends @AquaUselessGod and @RSS_Defender can help.
Singaporean here
If i want my country to be in a tech tree it should be
Only japan or Israel but preferably japan. China should never be considered to a option and at least for me i don’t want my country to get the Australian/Canadian treatment where all their stuff is in different tech tree that would just be horrible lol
I’ve already reiterated myself in other discussions, those interested can see my profile but the TLDR is that Singapore belonged better in Britain, Israel or Japan; Britain because of Commonwealth reasons (but the UK alrd has 2 other subtrees to work with), Israel because we were trained by their commanders back in 1960s (except Israel wouldnt make much sense especially for the air tree) and Japan due to WW2 reasoning as much as people want to forget that it happened (we also have strong modern ties with them as with other ASEAN countries too).
Vietnamese here, our only tank researchable is Phong Khong T-34 is in China Tree and that is horrible,but hey,at least the premium version is in Soviet Tree , hope to see my country get into the game in future,but pls not China tree
It is incredible that no ASEAN country wants to be in China. I didn’t know that relations were this bad. At this rate, what subtree could China have then?
well,actually,Cambodia have pretty good relationship with China now (Khmer Rouge in the past stab my country in the back is helped by China too ),so yeah,you know,just maybe
also i found out my country buy alot Israel stuff when we show them at the expo,so maybe,just maybe,Vietnam can be Isariel subtree,give this techtree some soviet stuff like T3485,2s1,2s3m,asu85,upgrade bmp1 (xcb01), t90s,t90s/sk
Probably Chile or Turkey will end up being Israel’s sub-trees.
If we are going from military training and building then US is #1 in this, we trained Singaporean pilots on F-15’s and AH-64 as well as Chinooks, and we have a permanent station of troops there (friendly of course) and many USN ships check in at Singaporean ports
This is why the US should get the F-15SG and possibly A-4SU (there is no need for a full subtree)
Means germany gets the leopard 2 SG, so wont complain
more than half of the vehicles are not Japanese,
can this TT still be called a “Japanese TT”?
If Sweden can be the homeplace for Scandinavian vehicles why can’t japan become the homeplace for south east asian founders vehicles? And what happens when japan run out of vehicles?
So, it seems that Finnish seed trees don’t occupy more than 50% of the space or quantity, right?
In all honesty that should’ve been considered by the player before they started grinding the Japanese tree
You’re right, but the ground vehicles of China’s future Zishu (Pakistan) are also copy-pastes – and even mostly copy-pastes of China itself. So what should we choose? According to your theory of “international relations”, should Saudi Arabia be given to us?
Well, it’s known postwar Japan has a fairly limited offering of vehicles, it should’ve been taken into consideration. As Japan already has a subtree any future vehicles that aren’t Japanese should be taken on a case by case basis
You do realise this is just a concept tree (talking about asean)?
You really think gaijin is gonna add all of these asean stuff, in reality it would be smaller
Like if gaijin add more Finnish and Scandinavian stuff to Sweden it would probably look something like asean tree
You’re right, it’s just an idea that hasn’t been realized yet. And my opinion is that if this kind of plan is realized, the vast majority of people will go to the development of the Japanese TT. Even I do, as it’s a very cost-effective option to experience most faction vehicles with just one TT.
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand are in the third class of diplomatic relations with China (after Pakistan and Russia). According to the theory of state relations here, I will first look for vehicles in these countries (except Thailand) that can compensate for China’s top ground battles. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll consider other countries as sub-lines and supplements. So, where can I find this information?
I must remind you that the Chinese faction badly needs to be compensated by a powerful MBT, like the L2A7 for Italy. So actually China really needs something like L2SG/RI or Oplot, you just refuse it. “China doesn’t need ASEAN” is just what you think, not what Chinese players think.