Artifical ground attack nerf Eurofighter vs SU-34

“submitted as suggestion” - 1 year ago

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A lot.

  • BOL should be 4x more effective than they are currently
  • MAWS
  • Centre line bombs
  • I think a few A2G loadouts
  • FM is likely underperforming
  • Radar is underperforming

and probably a few other bits im forgeting and yeah, Gripen E is needed sooner rather than later

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remember when it was added and its FM got nerfed into the ground , fun times.

itll come same loadout as the C watch xD

and yay, PW4s are being artificially nerfed

Because apparently “man-in-the-loop” weapons arent modeled but what then are laser guided bombs then? and all DL would have done is made it so that the target point could be updated from much higher up than it can at the moment


wait what

Yep… This is what we have to deal with

who knocked it back?

edit its also teh exact same as what was talking about with L15A5 and A3.

I gave up halfway through building the report due to teh fact i seen others getting shut down easily.

No idea, they made them all annoymous

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Yeah i just noticed thats why i asked.

what a shambles.

thats genuinely beyond bad practice.

we now have no idea who is denying bug reports.
we ahve no idea who these people are and why they are, theres no reasoning other than “no” then close.
that is BS

But the system works on the Harrier for the Paveway bombs and the GPU-39 on the Gripen.
What is different?

I have no idea.

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they dont understand the name probably

Unless I missed some topic on the thread, There’s no reason to take an f15a over c. You’d take an objectively worse fighter for CAP role against an rafale, EF or another 15c.
Any pilot with even a modicum of intelligence is going to fire one at you to make you defensive and close. First shot always gives the advantage. They don’t know you don’t have ARH, but you have absolutely no answer to that. So I’d close on you easily. Let loose one the moment I think the other isn’t gonna hit and follow you from a safe distance.
While what you’re saying is doable, you’re essentially arguing in favor of fighting with a hand behind your back because it’s possible. I understand you have no choice with the gripen.

It doesn’t really matter if the su34 is inferior to the others. Its job with those missiles isn’t to dogfight, it’s to squirt its load all over you and run back to the airfield. It can dodge arh’s on its way to do either. Again, you’d be sorta trying to play the worse way because you can. I don’t normally see su34 do that. It goes, it cums and it rearms.

And those CC you’ve seen do it are going against people who are oblivious. No one needs to come over the battle field to drop their AGMs. They do it and open themselves up to attack. 5-6km and turn off is all that’s needed maximum to really ensure more kills and turn. Once that happens, your missile is on a chase that it has a low chance of winning if they’re even sorta competent.

Italy can at least engage helicopters and knows what’s coming from radar. I’d prefer being able to attack half of the targets instead of almost none. Neither is a good scenario, but I think Italy is in a better position albeit however small. The smartest kid with Down syndrome.


Purely due to not having bought the C is my reasoning thats the only reason.

Im saying htat you can still spawn cap minus the amraams on the typhoon if needed for far less SP.
not saying its ideal or optimal at all. but its still cap with strong missiles on what is the best platform in game right now.

It cant get a lock and fire the missiles if its trying to dodge the ARH missiles thats kinda my point, If its uncontested same as all of them itll rip the battlefield apart.
IF theres one person in a cap plane, then the Su34 cant just ignore it to go and launch their misiles off.

Depends who it is launching the missiles.
Ive flown over the battlefield to bait people into firing at me before to give away their positions. Dodgy af but gives them away and i survive.

It cant though the otomatic cant really engage a heli that sits outwith its engagement range, the top tier helis standoff weapons are outside its range are they not?

I mean an otomatic couldnt even shoot me down in an ADTW the other night there, they really do need a new SPAA:

amraam is the counter, forget spaa

Yep, which is why it sucks that not only does aircraft cost about 7x more than SPAA to spawn in, but that AMRAAM add an additional 200 or so SP on top of that . Which brings it to about 10x the cost


I know it’s a skill issue but I really don’t like Brimstones, I can never find targets with the TGP without the pod losing sight. The missiles frequently crash into terrain, buildings and the like they take too long to arrive if you shoot them far off.
The TPOD likes to lock dead tanks which is fine with a Laser guided 500lb bomb but not a Brimstone that has very little explosive mass.

You cant fly high without a Pantsir or CAP aircraft shooting you down. Most of the time when I have success its a close range kill that could have been achieved with a dumb bomb.

If I’m in the Typhoon it’s to play as a CAP aircraft.