Armour in real match its not working like in the projection analysis

I think gaijin should check the vehicles armors, mainly in the top tier tanks. Look like its not happen in a real game what it shows in the projection analysis. Some vehicles are tanking in the side aspect with a straight plate, or in the window driver for example, its doing just hits. I cant understand where and when it will hit, because sometimes you do the same thing and it penetrates.

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It is common knowledge knowledge that protection analysis is wrong. It is a rough estimate, iirc it uses a different system to determine penetration that matches do.

this make no sense my friend, its an excuse to accept the gaijin’s bugs


It has been like this for ever since I started playing, which was 2018, you’re right, it should use the same system, but it doesn’t

In matches tanks move they stand on diffrent angels and in diffrent degrees as you the shooting tank are. Ther eis diffrent atmosperhic envorments. In Protection anlysis its just clinical. No motion, no wind, no cold or warm weather. No demaged tank or tierd crew and so forth.

Here ya go

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And co. Bined with server lag

But it changed before this update, it wasnt like this

it was?