Armor that does not exist on Russian tanks

If you are a player with in-depth research on real vehicles. you must know that Western and Chinese vehicles seem to deliberately lack some armor. or not cited due to special game mechanics.

for example, the gun mount of Challenger 2. and various vulnerabilities in 99A.

but for Russian vehicles, this situation seems to be reversed.

almost all Russian vehicles have some non-existent armor. I have currently created some images of T80BVM and T90M.


It can be seen that their turret armor has occupied the space of the machine gun. Armor overlaps with machine guns.

but when I used a documentary film produced by the Russian medium to report on this issue. the administrator used a rough blueprint to refute this issue.
(Community Bug Reporting System)

so I want to discuss this topic with everyone. welcome everyone to express their opinions


True.Actually some russian tanks are boosted while western tanks,like leclerc and leopard2pso have wrong amor.Chinese tanks,especially ztz96 and ztz99a have wrong models and amor.


aint pic that Trickzzter posted for T-90S?


it could be as it doesnt match with what the t90M actually looks like


This is our great Russian Federation tank, how can it be treated equally with your barbarian tanks?


As a joke, this game is very realistic, and the forums are harmonious and don’t bully players


same situation,none machine gun could shoot in the armor

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Literal definition of “say you’ve never played a T-Tank without saying you haven’t played a T-Tank”


Compared to ZTZ99A’s ring “weakspot” this is nearly nothing, it’s a minor detail and you still can shoot through mantlet without any problems and still disabling the breech.

It’s not a bug because devs aren’t going to spend their times remodeling this minor issue that will make no difference.

If the problem is hitboxes, complain about the garbage map assets with massive hitboxes like the rocks in Sands of Sinai.

Out of topic, about ZTZ99A, the ring weakspot I don’t think it’s a gameplay issue, it may be a technical issue, but I never see someone exploit this point on the vehicle.


maby this part is not significant. but this can observe the gaijin attitude.
to be honest, I don’t care about the performance of Russian vehicles. my disgust is only directed towards this game, not include reality.
but gaijin has never allowed other factions to gain equal competitiveness. Not only arranging various loopholes. The review of reports is also extremely rigorous.
their attitudes towards “games” and “reality” have changed very flexibly. when they want to weaken a certain vehicle, they can use “gameplay” as an excuse. But when players want to enhance certain outdated vehicles, they must request authentic information.
unless you provide truthful information. otherwise, you will never be able to improve those outdated vehicles. they won’t adjust the BR of 11.7 vehicles either. This is impossible for vehicles that are still in the confidential stage.
gaijin has never cared about the issue of “balance”. They only want Sweden and the Soviet Union to be strong, and the other camps are their toys. because this is a Russian company that produces games based on stereotypes. and the investors are from Sweden.
and the CEO who plans everything for ‘balance’ simply cannot understand this game.
only the situation of Leopard 2A7 is slightly better. but it also lacks a lot of armor.
M1A2 is a boundary line,those vehicles that are worse than M1A2 are a complete joke.


You are wrong. There are such small errors on all tanks (for example, intersecting roof armor on Leopards), but for some reason I don’t see anyone shouting about german bias or american bias. Maybe it’s not about Russian tanks, but about people?


It is, sadly, people just hate Russian vehicles and tech. (and will find any reason to be angry or mad at it)


I feel like this is more of a modeling error than any sort of attempted buff. On the 90M, the bit of armor that “shouldn’t exist” is just the backing plate, the actual NERA composites do not exist there, though on the 80BVM that is definitely them messing up the model. However, I’m also not why this would be done intentionally. It does nothing for the T-80BVM (as the turret composite can’t stop 3BM42, let alone actual top tier rounds), as APFSDS will just punch right through the small bit of composite behind the machine gun, while the 90M is only protected from MG shots that veer severely to the left of the machine gun. This post feels like it is attributing malice to incompetence.

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If it’s wrong, fix it. You can’t ignore other bugs just because there are already some. This is not an excuse. No matter from the so-called gameplay, balance or realism. By the way, which do you think affects the vehicle more, the top armor or the front armor?

I don’t hate Russian vehicles and tech. On the contrary, I like them. Maybe people just hate some so-called “targeted” issues. From my personal perspective (I own the top vehicles of the US, Russia, Sweden and Japan), I think Russia and Sweden make me feel the most comfortable. Maybe you can see this from the win rate chart.

It is obvious that the video is a description of their tank by Russian media, but it is clear that the development team does not intend to fix this bug in the game based on reality. So why should the development team be both competent and established? Why can Russian tanks strengthen in the void while other types of tanks have to weaken according to the so-called reality restoration? Where did your dog poop like information come from? Don’t make money if you don’t want to.

Because this is a harmless little problem. However, you should know that the armor of this version of ztz99a has been weakened, and the relevant reports submitted by bloggers and the issue with public information have all been rejected. In addition, two speculative issue about weakening 99a were passed at a faster speed. This has to doubt whether the administrator is biased and treated differently. The blogger’s subsequent comments about t80 and t90 armor and the administrator’s reaction, I think, explain some problems.


Same about 2A7 and Strv122 that also have weak spot

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Crying about russian bias based on one unaccepted bug is strong. Trickzzter has rejected hundreds of bug reports on various nations, but you only see what you want to see.

For such minor errors it makes no difference at all.


Because this is not a problem of the russian tank, you mean?

I think this is a harmless little problem.