Are you guys randomly getting fps dropped?

I doubt the update is the source of the issue, otherwise it wouldn’t just be you. What laptop are you running war thunder on? What graphics settings? How is your storage space?

Oh, btw, depending on your laptop brand, and model, and where your dent might be, you could have absolutely screwed your GPU.

yeah probably but funny thing is this lag happened 1 day earlier before I smash my keyboard.

Then it could be anything, run a GPU benchmark test, CPU benchmark test, and watch their power usage and heat. GPU’s that are underpowered could also do this, or something just got loosened and caused it, there is a million different things it could be. Yet again, going back to the update, there is almost no way it caused any of these issues, as it would be widespread.

I am experiencing frame drops since about 7 days. My frames drop from pretty stable 80-100 fps to very choppy 40 fps or even below. This happens whenever there is any action ingame. MG shooting, arty, tanks shooting, wrecks exploding or even just looking in the direction of a burning wreck. This stays like this for entire matches and even multiple in a row. Only fix so far is restarting my computer.
Since about 3 days I am also experiencing complete game freezes with subsequent crashed. I suspect both issues beeing linked.

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Yeah I’ve been experiencing the same as well.

I’m jammed up with this too. My i7-7700k with a geforce gtx 1080 has been running WT on max for years smoothly, with only a momentary stutter once in a blue moon. But suddenly for a couple weeks now, the stuttering has gone out of control even though my hardware / OS hadn’t changed. My FPS is diving all the way down to 8 fps. As with others, it’s when the shooting / smoke / effects / fast movement starts. Ping and packet loss are fine.

I tried the following: updating the drivers; doing a clean boot and playing with nothing else running but basics apps; upgrading my RAM to 32 megs; moving WT onto an SSD drive. When that didn’t work, I reinstalled with the “full client” instead of “high quality ground vehicles”; then I additionally turned SSAA to ‘none’ and dialled down some individual graphics settings. After all that, it’s gone from “unplayble” to merely “badly impaired,” with the FPS diving down to the 20s. And when things start moving fast, it still stutters–this is still enough to make air combat and AA fire next to impossible; and if, say, someone machineguns me or sprays me with a SPAA, the game chops up so badly I can’t fight back well.

Anyone else have any suggestions what to do?

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I also have i7 7700k with rtx2060, 16gb ram and WT installed on NVMe. before, I was playing WT almost maxed out, only had backroundscale/r set to 1.5 instead of 2 and it was working fine (90 - 140fps), no stuttering. My FPS problem started with Sons of Atilla update last year but I managed to fix stutters with vsync (locked 60fps) and that was fine for me. But with this last update it got out of control. Im playing Air RB top tier and when enemy team gets spotted it starts with fps drops and stutters. I tried lowering all graphics settings but that didnt help. i tried many fixes that i found online and nothing helped.idk, i cant play it like that

Interesting, I run a weaker GPU, a GTX 1660 super to be specific, on movie + graphics, no issues at all, however, I did have these issues with, go ahead and laugh, Farming Simulator 2022, with horrible frame lag while playing, looked up how to fix it, and it was fine after that, it has to do with the power being sent to CPU and GPU, I’d have to find the video to help with fixing it though. I didn’t have to lock my frames either, running 140 most of the time.

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I am having the exact same issues only with an 8600k and a 1070ti, have been running things on High for at least the past 5 years with no issues at around 180fps. Recently (since the past few updates) I am consistently dropping frames down to 5fps and freezing for up to a second at a time. No updates have been applied to my computer between when it was working fine and the freezing occurring - only warthunder updates.

The weirdest thing for me is that changing my settings doesn’t make any difference. I even dropped everything to Low and was getting 300+ fps but still dropping to below 10fps and having freezes. I’ve reinstalled the game and drivers but nothing changes.

Hi there, I’ve been having the exact same issue, and my computer is pretty good… Anyways, for me it started the day before yesterday, one day after this update, may have something to do with it.
I’ve tried turn Vsync on and off (has worked for me before, but not now), switching view modes and even reinstalling the game.
Nothing worked, does anyone a solution?