Are we ever going to have the Merkava IIID in the Israeli tree or is it going to be USA locked?

Are we ever going to have the Merkava Siman 3 Dor Dalet in the Israeli tree or is it going to be USA locked?

Merkava-Mk-3-LIC-404891_1080x675.jpg.b4b A Merkava Siman 3 Dor Dalet LIC during exercises.

  • The Merkava Siman 3 Dor Dalet is a core part of the Israeli Defense Forces as it is still active along with the Merkava IV-series. The only iteration of this specific vehicle in-game is the Merkava Siman 3 Dor Dalet found in the USA tree, locked as an Event vehicle and only purchasable through the market. The LIC version is the only other possible way to have the vehicle added to the research tree. The question is, will we have a β€œD” variant in the actual tree it belongs to or will we not ever see it under Israel and always have an incomplete tree? What is Gaijin’s plan in this case?
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This is again one of the many negative impacts of Vehicle Exclusivity. Unique vehicles of a future new nation get inaccessible for exactly that new nation they belong to. Instead, they are stuck with whatever nation was the most suitable at the time.

All 3 US Merkavas should be added to Israel where they belong.

KV-1B needs to be added to sweden/finland as well since it belongs to finland, but is stuck to Russian and German TT.

I do not want them to be removed from the Nation they were added to, just copied over to their original Nations TT.

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