Are Updates Getting Out of Control?

Seems like when I take a break from snow clearing or otherwise have 20 minutes or so to spare, I turn on WT to get a game in… and there’s an update. 🙄 Love the game, but it’s getting insane to me. Is software quality control a thing anymore (it sure was when I did non-game Oracle and other DB development) or is it like this in other non-Gaijin games, too?

Sorry for the whine, but I get a bit frustrated with this. Now back to getting slaughtered and giving back!

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you mean the small bugfixes? This is normal and good.
The Big updates: yes, I would prefere to have only 4 instead of 6, with a focus on mechanics and not vehicles, but unfortunately you get more people with a new jet, many people can’t even research, than adding variable fuelloads, or nose-wheel steering.


If you are still playing on a PlayStation I completely understand you, I was a PS4 player until 2017 and even the small updates took a long time on PS4. On PC they are usually pretty fast with the exception of major updates but still much faster than on PS. Not to mention that sometimes the update is only available later on PS, once on a major update we only had it available to us on PS4 on the next day and stood 1 day without being able to play the game.

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