Are there any ammunition type's you guy's would like to see in game?

…and cluster bombs.

and Sub munition carriers

Hell yeah great thread, actually there are a few I would love for the WW2 era, this is gonna be a long post. Although these are not conventionel shells, but still count as ordenance i would say.

Air to Air:

  1. The Ruhrstahl X-4 guided missile, controlled via wire (MCLOS) was the first controllable air to air missile of WW2

Air to Ground:

  1. The Henschel Hs 293 Glide Bomb, similar to the Fritz X, although the bomb was propelled it self and was flying on the horizontal axis, and not vertical like the Fritz X. Was equipped on bigger german Bombers.

  2. The Fiseler Fi 103 Cruise missile, the first of its kind. It could be dropped from a He 111, and was propelled with a pulse jet to its destined location.

Ground to Ground:

  1. Ruhrstahl X-7, an early anti tank guided missile, developed from the Ruhrstahl X-4, but smaller

  2. Wurfrahmen 40, to deploy unguided 280mm rockets

IF they add towed artillery someday(trailers already exist in game so why not)

  1. The Rheinbote cruise missile, for an modified 8,8 Flak trailer

Ground to Air:

  1. The Rheintochter anti air guided missile, for an modified 8,8 Flak trailer.
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Oh, and of course (if we’re broad enough here to include “stores” instead of just “ammunitions”): ECM pods…

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Grand Slam

There was also a guided and rocket assissted variant tested with Video evidence, but I cannot find it anymore. Saw it on Reddit, was from the British Pathé

44k lbs Cloudmaker

JB-3 Tiamat A2A

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Some early Soviet vics have them. Trust me, they are on the same level or worse than your everyday HE (Unless you want for “It had IRL, so it must be in the game”, then no objections here)

No they dont.
They have plain Shrapnell rounds.
Canister shot is a direct shotgun out of the barrle, Shrapnell Shot is a Projectile that pops out shrapnell mid air or after hitting a target.
Canister isnt in game.

And the by me mentioned rounds (Canister shot, Incendary and normal Shrapnell-TF shells) would be mainly usefull against thinn and unarmored targets as well as Air targets, with the 8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl. And more in the future i hope.


I’d like to see weaker missiles available for free on advanced aircraft for custom matches.
The lack of standard 9Ls on F-4F ICE is an issue for some custom matches.

Doubt they will be more effective than plain HE or high cal machinguns, but sure, the more - the better


Personally would be like to see one day early soviet AAM missiles, such as beam-riding K-5


Not many nations have HMGs or any.
And its better than plain HE, because you dont require a direct hit. Its more of a big shotgun, peppering the target over a big area with Lead, Steel or other incedary projectiles.

Especially if they rework it, to make it more realistic and usable in the direction of AHEAD. Its pretty much a Crude manual AHEAD round.

As to concrete types, the Falcon family of AAM’s is missing!

Naval incendiary.

JP233. They let us have the livery of mig eater, but we cannot eat migs.

Clusters as well as anti-runway weapons were already mentioned - guess the JP233 fits both… ;-)

Pigeon guided missiles

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Yea but other stuff kinda eh whether added or not. This is to fix the injustice of letting us have a mig eater tornado, but without the ability to monch migs.

Would love to see the Soviet interceptors in the game partly because of the unique missile set they bring with them. K-5, R-8/R-98, R-40, R-33 would be great to see on the Fishpot, Firebar, Flagon, Foxbat, Foxhound etc.

I don’t know about ammo but I sure would love armour made from the same material as the wire fences in the Cargo Port map ,totally impervious to APHE.