Are soundmods bannable?

If they release the data files and it’s hosted on their Live site, I can’t see why any of it would incur a ban. I know they have a disclaimer, but that just doesn’t make any sense.

Barring that, please for the love of the Snail, please re-enable sound modifications because the planes effects are pure awful. No way you can discern where a plane is now and jets/props/helos can almost be on top of you before hear them!

Only if you do something really dumb, but people install music mods, crew voice packs, and custom gun sounds all the time. I doubt a RWR sound would get you banned. Your only chance of getting banned would be if you set the game up to tell you data you shouldn’t know via sound

Personally I have a music mod installed and I’ve never had a problem

Yeah sound mods I think are disabled rn, but that’s definitely only gonna be temporary.