Ah yes, No spalling at all. Very nice, Most realistic
Get it’s frustrating, but at the same time, Helicopter ‘skin’ is just extremely thin sheet metal. Kinda makes sense for it to just punch in and out (If you don’t hit critical stuff). Dart’s are only like, what, 20-30mm in width?
It should definitely spall more than the nothing it currently does though.
How much spall do you think that an apfsds can produce agaisnt a couple of mm of aluminium?
Here his a good example of light armor. fist 10sec
Edit- if you ignore the Pellets but the armor itself, it also becomes a projectile.
An APFSDS round hitting a metal plate at is 5mm to 15mm at that speed will make it spall, not a lot but it will. WT there is Zero.
And tbh Helicopters inside look a bit like this
a lot more than 10mm in there
I feel it. I hit a heli with my conqueror 1.8km out and only took out his fuel tank with no fire.
I feel like the sheer energy from that round would split the heli in two, it’s actually physics defying how it seems to do very little.
Seeing as the force from the impact should be about 9,000 newtons (not a perfect calculation I know) concentrated into a tiny surface area
Edit: realised calc is completely wrong and the force is probably much greater
Yes actually, its like shooting through cardboard. less metal = less spall
literally the entire point of APFSDS
8mm rha is a very different thing that a the thin sheet that helicopters actually have…
there isnt really, most of the skin is just very thin aluminium/steel, even when i said a few mm it was actually way to high, youre they are probably less than a single mm, on the picture of the mi 28 shot down you can clearely see that it is just a very thin aluminium sheet.
HHA is not aluminum.