Anyone else noticing a surge in suspiciously accurate console players? Or is it JUST me?

I mean these guys are hitting shots like this WHILE on the move, and im backing away into cover while wiggling to throw their aim off.

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Probably just them getting lucky.

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One time i got shot by a PC player while i was wiggling and retreating. They killed me, guess they’re hacking.


Okay Maybe ONCE in a match, But 3 seperate times? in the SAME match? This same dude earlier shot and killed me THROUGH his own smoke, and then earlier than the picture above sniped my mantlet from his SPAWN and killed 2 of my crew while i was backing into cover and barely any of my tank was exposed.

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ive played this game since 2016, i know what is and isn’t possible tank accuracy wise, And these guys are not hitting Human shots, especially as Console players on controllers.

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If you are suspicious, at least check the server-side replay. And view from their perspective. From my point of view, if you are so suspicious, having not done these basic things, you are the suspicious person.


i did, the dude had SOME sort of jerky lock on going on, he even knew where i was before i exposed my tank or anything.

The gun camera in spectator view is naturally jerky, this is because the replay in WT is recreated by bots doing the same movements. But be aware, there are a multitude of reasons why someone would be looking at you through a wall. Such as, they see a squad/drone mark, team member clicked on the map, they hear the sound, or they are aiming at reasonable places where you would expect an enemy, such as a road or spawn. Anyway if you are 99% sure they are cheating, simply report them.

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WT is using the same anticheat as Escape from Tarkov now. If you know you know


Battle Eye is TOTAL junk, ive encountered it in a FEW game’s and it never works.

TBF Easy Anti Cheat wasn’t good either. That stuff got tipped off by my RGB software a Couple times.

I swear the Roblox Anti Cheat is more effective than Anything Warthunder has implemented.

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I hate to tell you this mate but Ive done my homework on cheating in this game and well ive found out there is actually 0 impactfull cheats for console that are valid and not scams…That being said there are dozens of aim assist ,ESP and other mods for PC players INCLUDING the icon that identify’s console players ( because many players believe they have an aim assist but they dont ) so I honestly believe the cheating accusation I see them everyday not many but for sure before battle eye there was 1 or 2 every realistic GB. Definetly less now but far as I know Steam players can still use EAC…sooooo dont just blame consolers for cheating when they cant buy cheats and dont use Steam …GL out there o7


Steam players can use EAC still mate…Battle eye is good but no point if half PC players using EAC

Ive seen MORE cheaters since the Implementation of Battle Eye dude. EAC was better.

Hmmm Im gonna go with thats Hyperbole you know it…There was waaay more before BUT 2 weeks ago Steam had a surge of new accounts thats pretty close to the number of bans that happened days before so thats another hmmm for me and I hope this EAC continuation is somehow related to Gaijin finding the bad apples who continue to cheat there system and not actual pure neglegence

We have been evolving!

They are cheating but they not using console you can get that console identity from the same place they getting the illegal software . Suprising little cheats for WT for console for some reason lotsa other games but not WT

Console players are the ugly step-children of this game, but they can improve themselves by plugging in a mouse and keyboard to their console, so I’m going to assume that is what is happening here.

It seems that everyone that kills you is a cheater i guess.

In my 6 years of playtime i dont believe ive ran into more than 5 people who i thought to be legitimately cheating

You don’t need a Mouse and Keyboard to hit pin point weakspots…

Never said you did. But you can’t beat a keyboard/mouse for timing. Controller only good for some sports crud games like NBA 2K and Fifa.