Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft

Honestly though. I’m seeing German, Britain, and China mains just straight up insulting US mains for battling for their tanks having proper armor. Parroting over and over “You guys only whine, we had it worse.”

Like why the f_ck are we fighting each other? Isn’t it Gaijin that f_cked all of our tanks?


its really sad i just want that all tanks get the armor they should have


Not giving AIM-9L to the British phantoms for “balancing reasons” while it’s getting jumped by everything that sits above it is an artificial nerf. NATO DU anti Era Rounds not penetrating the frontal plates of Russian MBT’s is an artificial nerf. Starstreak missiles being a Joke at its BR is an artificial nerf. And lastly, how the armor of one of the most protected tanks in the world (Chally 2) performs in the game is just a joke and that in my opinion is the king of artificial nerfs


You are implying dataminers liars, so we’re done.
Data doesn’t lie, there has never been a nerf with AAM-3, and a simulation not present in-game yet isn’t a nerf by any standard definition.
AAM-3 is not nerfed, never has been. Dataminers are the source of my statement, if you have an issue with that go to the github page yourself and scan through the updates since release.
Oh, and moving the goalposts would be trying to redefine what nerf means after I called you out for citing non-nerfs.

No, that’s not a nerf. Especially since it still has the best IRCCM in the game currently despite it being unfinished.

AAM-3 is objectively nerfed from its real life performance, your coping about dataminers is just you clearly shifting the goalposts after you made a blatantly indefensible claim


You mistake “Artificial Nerf” with timeline in game “Nerf”. “Artificial Nerf” means “not accurate to real life because of gameplay purposes”

its just goalpost shifting because he was clearly wrong

Likewise my brother. I feel bad for my friends who play Britain and Italy, others too. Why Gaijin won’t just do our tanks justice and instead constantly put Russia on a pedestal is beyond me.


and he claims you said dataminers are liars which you did not do he just does not understand a single thing how does math have to do with the overload of a missile when all sources say a certain number

Inaccuracies & bugs aren’t nerfs.
Preventing FG1 from going to 11.7 with EJ Kai isn’t a nerf.

That’s not what nerf means.
Stop moving goalposts, stop copying me.

Also not what nerf means, and the one thing that entails is reload speed & repair speed.

The actual quote.

Also, physics dictates that a spinning missile can’t hit peak G for its entire rotation.

It’s annoying watching NATO haters block all NATO players & fans that try to improve tech trees that aren’t Russia.

Could you please explain how moving to 11.7 would affect the phantoms? It mostly still has to play against the top tier so what’s the issue there?

I clearly see what kind of sentiment you like to carry in this discussion and arguing with you is just a waste of time

see no more points from him apart the good old nato hater bs

Dude, I support decompression.
It would change everything if they went to 11.7.

You stated that there are no artificial nerfs in the game. that’s the end of the discussion

look at you, scurrying around throwing everything you can desperate for something to stick because you realise that right from my first point i dismantled you completely, classic tell-tale sign of abundant cortisol levels in low-testosterone male - the quintessential display of TERROR and FEAR.


Pigeon chessboard.
No nerfs have been listed, no citation of changelogs, no citation of datamines.
And the ones that never cited their sources claim they won…

You provided no sources.

Just let him cook those funny arguments

its safe to say i won here

It’s another day of “RazerVon and the tale of the worst takes”
I’ve seen this one before though