Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft


Gaijin try not to provoke the community again challenge IMPOSSIBLE


lol They made players angry again


Oh my apologies, It might’ve been a bug? I had received a notification linking to my comment and it displayed your message. It left me confused, sorry.

The report is before the recent changes. Elements of its steering and gears has been changed recently, so the report will need to be updated if it is still incorrect. Its currently out of date. The existing reports that were forwarded on the matter have been fixed.

Many of the reports on the list of reports you linked have also been fixed or resolved now too. Some are also duplucated. So the list itself is out of date quite a bit.

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Halt/Delay works on future updates to work on improving/fixing existing vehicles and balancing issues
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Like lmao do you guys actually not learn the whole “Merkava’s don’t have spall liners” is making me laugh so hard lmao


Not it’s C hull, D turret.
The 2A4 in game is B hull and turret.


I look through the list reguarly, and many of them havent been fixed yet. I shall do another check tonight, but as far as I am aware, none of the bug reports concerning armour, ammo locations, etc have been looked at yet

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Yeah, it’s time to uninstall the game for another 3-6 months.

Between the continuing Russian Bias bullshit and the absolutely blatant disrespect to the other nations again, I’m out of patience again.


Hi! and thank you for your patience with people that start tossing out less than clean words if they don’t get things that they exactly want.

That being said, will we ever get answers for why specific sources for these issues were rejected?
i’ve seen MANY sources for both L2A7V and the Abrams armor (both online info and published books, exaple: Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft - #60 by Count_Trackula example2: Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft - #31 by FurinaBestArchon) and so far no reason given for any of them not being good enough to use as sources.
The only answer we have is “will not be implemented” but not really a reason WHY, given the amount of sources it seems rather arbitrary at this point even for me as a person not well versed in the subject.
So a more detailed explanation of each source is at this point almost required to even get close to start calming people down.

(sidenote, any comment on my previous post? Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft - #20 by Necronomica )
@Smin1080p ?


Like I said - nothing. Geez, they even said that the M829A3 won’t give any advantage. It’s known to easily penetrate the top part of t72b3-t80bvm, but Gaijin will make it so it can’t penetrate those tanks, lol. Of course it won’t be effective because you won’t give it any real effectiveness! And about you being stuck with your 90’s sources I don’t feel like saying anything about it .


Ahh found the issue, TES appears to work correctly, OES does not.

They will never stop working on future updates because they need their “fresh new thing!! and new premiums!!!” to distract everyone from the problems every few months


Congratulations Gajin, I will stop playing your game now, you are obviously biased against the Russians and reject any armour development related to NATO tanks! The top tier is an unbalanced madness and you do nothing against it! It’s sad that this is where the game is!


They use whatever source that agrees with what they want to do in the game


But they don’t exist in a bubble.
11.3 exists, 11.3 is crushed, 11.3 can’t compete.
They already struggled against the current vehicles and now they get to compete against Gripens, SU-27s, F-15’s and they are completely outclassed.
These shouldn’t face the new top tier.


Because Gaijin wouldnt model the Anti ERA tip. Prime examples being L27 (atleast if I remember correctly) and DM53, which are both missing their Anti ERA tips


@Smin1080p What about the other nations that didn’t even get a mention in the article? For example, the VT-4A1 was half finished when the update came out, and still have many bug reports either being ignored or still not fixed


Well anti-ERA tips would make Relikt less effective and they cant have that ;)