Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft

Don’t bother with this guy. He will say bs without any evidence, and you will constantly need to shut him up with evidence against his out of nowhere statements.
He will ignore the fact that best tank in game was T80BVM. Even if all the evidence is against him.

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instant flaring and 100% Pk on enemies missile is a thing actually. Annoying as hell

I didn’t say you in particular, so no need to get defensive. My reply was directing at people participating in the bullying, not calling you out for bullying.

Every nation main does that. Some russian main did it in the US and German thread, some German mains do it in US threads, US and German mains do it in Russian threads.

It’s just in the DNA of extremist nation mains.

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No it doesn’t. It means clearly front (unqualified) so where the armor arrays are at the front. It would be specific if it wasn’t. Such as the side. Specifying turret side.

It looks a lot like Kevlar or Coat. Maybe the whole white layer is spall liner. The whole white painted layer is uneven. I dont think metal would be uneven like that.

emm…I can’t upload pictures, please have a look at this discussion


Useless, they cannot and obviously should not ever use leaked data. You cannot reward people for committing felonies by giving them what they want, lol. That would make them do it more and would make gaijin liable for prosecution for espionage, etc. if they reward and encourage it as accomplices.

Nor can I even confirm you’re correct or telling the truth without breaking the law myself.

Do you have an ACTUAL proper source?

That conversation was already resolved, read the stuff in between that and your current comment.

Doesn’t look uneven to me at all. It COULD still be spall liner, because some are made out of things like fiberglass that can be painted smooth just like metal.

I’m not saying it’s evidence AGAINST any possible spall liner. I do think it is evidence that leans against specifically kevlar, though. And it’s certainly not evidence FOR a spall liner. It’s just ambiguous.


The need for 12.7 isn’t from how the 12.3 planes are performing against each other, it should be how they’re performing against 11.3’s and how the 11.3’s perform against 12.3’s.


Junk agrees with you, here is its honest reaction


And then they will all point fingers at eachother screaming how others are cry babies, no skillers, etc.

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Yeah like what the heck, they literally deny source docs all the time for “being outdated”. The 2A7V is not from 1996!

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Wow. Id actually maybe buy that if it was decked like that. Reached US levels of daka with that

Is France going to ever receive a rework for the Leclercs?

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GDLS did want to sell their M1s, however the US government refused to allow the export of the DU armour, hence it seems GDLS had to rush and make a new armour package that would at least meet the armour protection requirements that Sweden was looking for, the Swedes however were not happy that they were not going to being getting an Abrams with the DU armour package:


I can’t find the documents, but I remember reading a poorly translated report from the Greek trials where the Greeks rated the Abrams protection as very good.

In depth Greek article on the Greek tank trials, which you will unfortunately have to translate as it of course is in Greek, the basic breakdown however from what I have translated via google translate:

Leo 2A5S
Offered the best protection, also the only tank to have protection on the turret sides, it also had perfect results in the firing tests, good ergonomics and was reliable.

Offered the second best protection, it however was mostly in line with the Leo i.e. very accurate (nearly on par to the 2A5), good ergonomics and reliable, however as has always been the case, the main downside was how much fuel it used, this seems to have pretty greatly affected how they scored the M1.

Supposedly had an excellent pneumatic suspension, it had the best power-to-weight ratio of all the participants, and low fuel consumption. However as far as protection goes it was noted as being weaker then the Leo and M1A2 (these two tanks are noted as excelling in this area), however with how little it weighed its armour was considered quite good.

Interesting part though, they state the auto loader struggled quite a bit i.e. it constantly jammed / broke down, accuracy was pretty good, but not as good as the Leo or M1A2, however was apparently better then the Chally 2E.

Challenger 2E
The Greeks were apparently surprised by how “badly” it performed, even though it had the same powerpack as the Leclerc, it constantly broke down when trying to achieve higher speeds, quick note though, they believe this issue was with them changing the engine / uprating it to 1500hp.

Furthermore however, they noted that the Challenger 2Es protection was not what they were expecting i.e. not as good as they believed it would be i.e. the Challenger 2E supposedly was less protected then the M1A2 and Leopard 2A5S, it also apparently was not accurate during firing tests as it placed 4th here, HESH however was considered quite good.

Photo showing the Challenger 2E ripping off a bunch off rubber tank pads during an obstacle trial:

I don’t know what Vickers did to the Chally 2E, but I was pretty surprised to read about how the Greeks state it performed in this trial.


Thanks for the find!


This is huge, have you posted this in the abrams hull discussion?

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