Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft

Their export armor design wasn’t nearly as good as the DU armor packages they had spent a lot of time and money on. They even said this. They improved the export armor package significantly for the Greek trials, where they stated the protection was close to approaching US DU armor packages. I can’t find the documents, but I remember reading a poorly translated report from the Greek trials where the Greeks rated the Abrams protection as very good. Their only complaint about the protection was it wasn’t as protected on the top of the turret as they would like.

Then consider that the winner was also caught up in corruption and bribery with Greek officials.


It’s literally side-shot of the barrel, which is evidence.
Screenshots can only be made perfectly horizontal.

Yo gaijin
I found this image

Gaijin when

I found another one of the wtd61 firing a harm missile

First image from different view

Looks like a whole lot more than just a bunch of 1000 pound bombs huh?

also mw-1 cluster munitions for added war crimes

At least give it the harm missiles and the mw-1, as it, the WTD 61 specifically, can use, and visibly has used them before.


Yep, Completing the Tornado IDS’s unguided arsenal, especially CBUs seems to be the best possible solution.


Best part, half of this was just searching the registration numbers the tornado WTD 61 test aircraft I knew of, being 98+01, 02, 03, 04, & 06. There’s quite a bit of imagery of them, some of which having a lot of different weapons it could carry.

gaijin couldn’t be bothered to do a quick google search lol


Was some comments on the WTD61 over in the main tonrado thread, with some carefully worded denials unfortuantely. Might be worth having a read through the comments and adding your info there:

Alr I’ll check it out


Good job, I hope this will be implemented in the game soon. I found Gaijin’s reasoning about this Tornado’s arsenal of weapons a little questionable, especially given the background of WTD 61.


Hanks for the support!

p.s. welcome to the forums!


Thank you very much, I’m usually a quiet reader. But this plane is the hero of my childhood, so I had to write something.


I did the math.

M1A1 turret KE protection 500mm
M1A2 (DU turret) 750mm KE protection

DU increased protection by %50

M1A2 hull 400mm KE
If we use the percentage increase from DU it will be around 600mm KE

Based off Gaijins M1A2s. In their Wiki it said they put DU in the cheeks.


I dont understand why Gaijin use data in 1990’s to analysis the vehicle which served in 2019(Leopard2A7V). If this way is for balance, how to explain 122s’ performance in top tier Ground RB? Many public sources indicate that Leopard2A7’s armor protection is completely different from what you described. I just dont know why strv122 can have good armor protection,Leopard cant.


So explain why all tanks have the same LFP weakness. Surely if Russian bias existed. Russian tanks would be impervious to frontal attacks.

The French and Israeli ground needs to be strengthened

You’re making an argument he didn’t make. The Russian LFP is also much smaller and closer to the ground than most others. It’s easily hidden.


Don’t engage with him, he’s been trolling on multiple form threads


Mate, I could say the same about German mains wanted the proper armor for their Leo 2A7 in the Germany thread and the US main straight up said that German mains “cry the hardest” or something along the line for wanted to have the best Leopard in the game in Germany TT instead of the Sweden TT.
I’m not saying that they had it coming but sometimes you reap what you sow.

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Then monitor closer. You want to keep these planes at 12.3 - then you need to start by removing the AIM-9Ms and anything equivalent to it with IRCCM, or you need to bump them up to a tier with some other type of countermeasure that has counters to the counter counter measure where things without the counter countermeasure don’t freaking see them. It’s bad enough as is getting spawn camped in Air Arcade, but it’s getting down right enraging that whether I get off the spawn or not - that dumping flares, with flare priority, in to at times 15g turns, doesn’t mean jack and the missiles with IRCCM - the most common being AIM-9M’s surprisingly, hit me the same as any of the planes with no countermeasures. Where as their CM defeats everything I throw at them - especially these people who’s planes magically deploy countermeasures the instant my missile comes off the rails - and only that one set in that instant my missile comes off the rails. Which even for the ones not packing 9M’s in the F-4’s/14’s/16’s I’ve actually unlocked and fly I’m trying to figure out why they have flares that deploy the instant I launch a missile and that one set defeats it no issue but my planes lack that feature.

Then again - you guys seriously need to rethink how you BR ratings work. The F-111 should maybe be at the spot the 105 is in - and have better missiles cause the AIM-9B’s were being phased out/rebuilt in to models like the E when it was entering service, and considering how long variations served I find it hard to believe people would be against it getting a slightly newer missile for it’s tier. The F-105, especially with it’s lack of flares, should be lower than it is both in rank and BR, the hilarity that is F-86-F2 at 9.0, when the foldered F-25 variant is literally the exact same but using 6 MG’s instead of cannons, and the F8F-9 that’s now foldered has similar speed, way more ammo on it’s cannons, and 4x missiles at 8.3.

Well, im not here for all the bias talk, but LFP is a common weakspot irl, because it is a part of the armor you avoid showing in normal situation, so it can be thinner to lower mass, just like roof and floor. Tanks obey laws of physics, if they would become too heavy they would not be able to move and would collapse under their own mass. That is why you save mass everywhere you can.

True, but assuming all US mains are the same is just retarded. I hate the Leopards but I can still respect German players pointing out it’s armor flaws. There are players like me who hang out with German mains frequently, and we’re not even mentioning people who play both US and Germany.

Returning fire just because a vocal minority of children ticked you off only shows you’re just as childish. Don’t pick on folks who just want their tanks to have it’s justice.

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