welp here we go again. Sense the Abram’s been the hot topic for a year or 2 at this point for mainly it’s armor, dart’s, and slightly longer then normal neck.
Is there anything that is still missing from the Abram’s tank?
Thing’s like era packages, internal bulkheads, or like a ground radar for tracking tank’s. Anything really that could make it stand out more?
(also, Sense most of the abram’s are made for long range hull down combat, is there another variation of the that could fill the gap for cqc?)
(or maybe another Canadian tank so we can get them in more tree’s except their own)
One that I haven’t seen many people talk about is a smokeless exhaust. It would be a small improvement, yes, but it’s an improvement none the less. I’ve made a bug report, but that didn’t go anywhere.
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The armor is mostly correct,with the turret ring being the last bit remaining (i hate being unable to tank autocannon rounds even tho it is supposed to do it).
Regarding the spiky argument of spall liners,there are still a lot of different voices regarding whether spall liners for the Abrams even exist and if so where are they located,but something everyone agrees is the fact that the crew has flak vests on,so Gaijin might actually add that in the meatime
Engine noise?eeeeeeh it should be less noisy,but considering how War Thunder handles sounds as a whole, let’s wait until they fix some major things
Rounds?the late Abrams need their M829A3, seriously. Not because the A2 is underperforming,but essentially to shake things up a little
Someone in the community pointed out that apparently Gaijin modelled the hydraulic pump wrong and,by modelling it right,you should simply lose the turret drives. I don’t want to confirm it before looking at credible sources,but if that’s the case then it should be addressed.
For the next major addition,the M1A2 SEP V3 COULD be a game changer if they resolve all the problems listed above, because then you have a very nice SEP V2 with DU hull armour,M829A2+A3 (and possibly A4),last gen thermals,a functional ARAT II package and more importantly the Trophy APS
I agree with everything else in the post, so long as they don’t make the turret ring too tanky, as in tanking MBT darts.
I’m a bit hesitant to give the Abrams a better dart when it’s already got the best round out of an L/44 cannon and a 5s reload.
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Every turbine engine should have that removed, but yeah.
Nah that’s literally unhistorical. The turret ring can only block autocannon rounds, that’s it. MBT submunitions?maybe at looong ranges,but in CQC it’s not viable.
That’s the only thing i ask,i don’t want to be out of a fight because an IFV user can simply pre fire me into oblivion,i want fairness
Granted, an IFV is still at a considerable disadvantage seeing as you can reliably blow them up without aiming too much, but yeah, I get it.
maybe the arat and tusk era underperforming in ke a bit and ce?
also a bit wrong on the middle turret armor being 38.1 mm outer instead of only 19mm(minimal but still)
and the m1a2 sep doesnt have 101mm inner rha but only 13mm?
and im pretty sure turret armor on most thing above the m1a1/imp1 are a bit more ke resistence(as in if ur abrams turret is slightly angle the wrong way u get pen very easily(e.g
-not sure tho)
now all of the thing gaijin need to fix on abrams
Model fix, turret ring, hydraulic pump in wrong area, hull armor improve for sep v2/maybe sep, ke-w a2 for AIM, middle side armor buff so it doesnt get penned by 2s38 apfsds(base on my calculation 300mm composite have a protection of ~190mm relative thickness rha base on datamine data of average 0.54 for composite armor + 101mm 30 degree which is ~116mm and 38.1mm at 30 degree also is ~44mm total of ~346mm of ke protection probably lower but it would resist against 2s38 apfsds atleast or maybe OTO apfsds
tbh if they changed 1 thing about the abrams it should be the engines sound. If you see one in person you literally will not hear the engine until it drives past you
Yes, historical or not they are far louder than is reasonable for a game, the only worse offender I can think of is the Gripen.
Loud engines are fine but if it gets to the point where I am turning down the volume of other player’s engines for specific BRs, it’s probably time to tone it down.