Announcing the Removal of the R2Y2 from Research

So after their WW2 stuff, you are pretty much playing US mid-to-top tier. But with less options.

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History is history.
We could only imagine what equipment JSDF use in alternative timeline if not all weapons havent been scrapped, destroyed by allies.

PLEASE GAIJIN, it’d be good if this fills the place of the r2y2s

No guns.
Its an aircraft for recon duty.

They DON’T need to remove them, and adding copy paste as “replacement” is sad…


Well, I guess is time to put the brain to work and use the F-4EJ ADTW properly.

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Sure. Just that it doesn’t make much of a convincing argument to play Japan’s air beyond WW2 if you haven’t started the tree.

Could we get a full list of vehicles that are in danger of being removed?

The top armor of Ho-Ri Prototype & Ho-Ri Production should be set to be open and can be overpressured.

Here are some of my thoughts on this matter.

In principle I agree with the idea of mainly having “real” vehicles in the game, rather than introducing “blueprint” or semi-fictional aircraft or tanks as filler material.

However, I would also point out that the Thai aircraft in Japanese tech tree do not actually cover for the significant “hole” that the Japanese tech tree has in WW2 era jet aviation.

Namely, the only jets Japan has for WW2 tech level are the Kikka, R2Y2 series, and the Ki-200 if you want to count that. Furthermore, since the Kikka doesn’t have a functional gunsight, it is not suitable to be used as a fighter aircraft in SB, and the Ki-200 with completely incorrect engine performance is dumped up to 8.0 to fight cold war jets.

So, functionally speaking, the R2Y2 series are actually already the only Japanese jets that are somewhat useable in simulator battles, and I would argue they are not fighters - they’re strike aircraft.

Moreover, none of the Thai aircraft are in the same BR range as the R2Y2, so actually removing them will just create an ever larger hole in the Japanese tech tree. Instead of having viable jets to cross the 6.7-7.7 bracket, you end up jumping straight from 6.7 (Kikka) to 8.0, and some BR brackets will be completely void of Japanese aircraft.

I really think Japanese WW2 jet era necessitates a bit of flexibility regarding the “no fictional aircraft” rule. I have no problem with removing the R2Y2 series from being researchable, but I would actually like to see Japanese tech tree receive some actually useful jet fighters from WW2 era, even if technically they were never built or finished.

The first suggestion I would like to make - and which I have done before - is to add a functional gunsight to the Kikka cockpit. The current cockpit doesn’t have a gunsight because it’s designed based on the prototype cockpit, which had incomplete equipment. The Kikka in the game represents hypothetical production variants and it makes no sense to assume the Japanese would’ve made a jet fighter without a reflector gunsight at that point in the war.

Secondly, and this may be controversial, I would actually suggest adding two aircraft that technically never flew, but which could fairly easily be added and they would increase the variety in Japanese WW2 era jets significantly.

The first addition is the Ki-201 Karyu, which shares the overall configuration with Kikka and Me 262. It would have larger wing so it’d be slower than the 262, but it might offer better turn performance on the flip side.

The second one is a more controversial modification of a plane that already exists in the game - namely, the J7W2 Shinden. The propeller-driven version was finished and flown, and supposedly there were some suggestions of equipping this aircraft with a jet engine instead. Now, there’s not much information about this, or whether it would’ve actually been possible to fit any of Japan’s available jet engines into the airframe, but it’s a really cool looking aircraft and a tantalizing prospect to add to the game.

Yes, I know these aircraft weren’t built or finished, but then by that logic the Horten Ho 229 should also be removed from the researchable planes in German tech tree.

In practice I would advise evaluating each possible addition to the game with a simple question: Is adding the vehicle a net positive for the game? On one hand we could argue that any “non-real” aircraft or tank will degrade historical realism in the game. On the other hand, some tech trees would really benefit from a few additions that “flex” the rules a little bit.


Mmmm, Yakovlev fan post.

The planned R2Y2s aren’t in War Thunder.

There’s a topic for this:

Doesn’t matter, Ho-229.

No, it wasn’t the Ki-201 Karyu is the Me-262. It’s just a designation. The historical Ki-201 if it was to be added would be an exact copy of the Me-262 A2a. Which was the CAS variant. But due to the sub that was transporting them going 16 feet under(aka sank). That never happened.

If you wanna refer to production line Ki-201 then those would be similar but different as mentioned above.

Difference is one serves as a prototype and main template for production line models.

This is not true, it is a different plane. The problem is that when you search “Ki-201” online you get literally nothing but reskinned Me 262s with the odd actual Ki-201 now and then.

For one, it is larger than the Me 262.


The guns are also placed differently.


The guns themselves are 2 20 mm Ho-5 and 2 30 mm Ho-155s.

And these are just the changes that are noticeable right away.


The Ki-201 Karyu was a completely different aircraft design proposal than the Me 262. Only the overall configuration of jet engines mounted under the wings was similar.

The Ki-201 would’ve had longer wing with much less sweep angle than the Me 262. The fuselage would’ve been longer and taller, with a more streamlined cockpit. Vertical and horizontal stabilizers would have been correspondingly larger as well.

The differences can be seen in this picture. Red outline is the Me 262. Blue is the Ki-201.


But do you have info where the guns is placed?

Proving my point: there are plenty of historical/factual liberties taken by Gaijin in order to bring the R2Y2s and other vehicles into the game.

The R2Y2’s were added during a time where it was believed they were real aircraft and also fill the hole that is Japan early jets. However ever since it was revealed they were complete fabrications Gaijin has had it that they were to be removed when a viable replacement came

It was added because Japan didnt had any of jet bomber during that time

R2Y2’s aren’t equivalent to the vehicles in my post.
If you want Japanese aircraft, grind for them and wait for more to be added like I do.

I used the last R2Y2 as an A-10:

The ammo pen buffs last year really are great.
So just be patient.

F-84G is their replacement at this time, and more aircraft will come.