Angry enemies

The new apologize system is nice honestly I don’t really team kill so thank god I don’t have to worry about getting punished for it. Speaking of which getting informed by the staff you are “under investigation” is scary as hell then that’s it, they don’t tell you why just you did a bad thing at some point.

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I only J out when my breech is out and enemy is infront of me

Of course I always J out. Same as above and also when I know my plane is going down. Only an idiot would NOT bail out when all hope is lost. That’s the point of it being it the game in the first place. J ing out isn’t a mistake someone programmed in.

Replacing crew costs silver bucks. After playing thousands of matches, saving on crew costs soon adds up. WHY ADD TO THE GRIND when you don’t have to.

J ing out can never be against the rules because it is purposely put in the game… on purpose… by the game designers… not by accident… they even spent time animating ejector seats for planes… god… how thick can some people be. It’s not rocket science.

If it is against the rules - simple - DELETE THE J ABILITY.

exactly that. I think spawn killing is a downright scummy move against fair play, but so, so many people wouldn’t know fair play if it smashed them in the face with a massive “F” for fair.

Thats the problem they can use “fair play” as anything they generally find they don’t like they have the most vague rules.

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You’re hurting yourself if you do that in ARB.

ARB has repair cost/minute and max repair cost.

If your plane catches fire, loses a wing or control authority and you bail out, the repair cost is set to maximum.

Ergo, if my F8U-2 gets incapacitated in ARB I need to wait to crash if the match was less than 10 minutes as I need ~13 minutes for full repair cost to be reached.

If I bail out early, I’m paying 13K. If I bail out because a missile took me out 6 minutes in, I’m paying 13K. If I allow myself to crash, I’m paying 6x1118=6700 SL.

The only exception is if the game tells you “Plane burnt down”, “Tail cut off”, “Pilot dead” or whatever the wording is and prompts you to J out. These times you only pay as much SL as time you spent alive.

In ASB it doesn’t matter as long as the enemy got 1 hit in since you always pay full repair cost before spawning in. In ASB though, it seems proximity J-out reward got broken because people report not getting KC despite being within 2 km so letting your foe get a hit in to get KC is good sportsmanship.

Here’s an example that showcases this happening:


I paid 13K repair cost for four minutes alive

Now, I let my plane crash:

Now, do I think this is a very stupid and counter-intuitive system? Absolutely.

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Only time where it’s acceptable is when your already crippled so they will get the kill anyways. Other than that, jerk move.

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Changing vehicles does seem a valid use. Unfortunately, there is no airfield for tanks.