Angry enemies

Yesterday I got very damn pissed off on the map of Atticas simply cause the enemy team were purposely being pricks. On the right side of the map.

Nercro just because it’s not intended to doesn’t mean people care. It’s developers decision on how its incorporate it to stop such decisions. You cannot punish players since it was developers who added in that way that led to those results. Players aren’t at fault it’s the developers. 1+2=3. A+B=C. In this case
B /2=Execution
C=Results on how players play.

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The devs aren’t responsible for you acting like a 12 year old, mate


This has nothing to do with how someone acts this was about game mechanics read the room my guy.

That makes no sense… Teamkilling is a mechanic it’s still very much against the rules.
Same with ramming.


What Necromania says, that’s what I meant to mean, sorry if I didn’t manage to say it clearly

Fighting each other is the core of any PvP game.
In this case there’s no fighting to be done, which is the problem.

One that’s against the rules ends up falling into a grey zone because was it intentional? or was it accidental? This is a lot harder to tell since sometimes the entire footage could make it look completely accidental but was intentional. It would also need to factor in how it happened such as was the enemy purposely trying to weaponize your allied SPAA’s into shooting you down in a crossfire situation. Or a bomber dropped a row of bombers trying to carpet bomb the enemy which led to several Allied vehicles getting destroyed in the crossfire.

In the Air, it would also still be a crossfire situation. Since the possibility of them not seeing you since they get tunnel vision when you’re in a dogfight. Ignoring Missiles since those aren’t coded correctly. Nor are a field I care for.
Multiple factors are why that’s a grey zone level.

Situational yes.
I’m not gonna fall into a discussion about teamkilling and when it is or isn’t punishable as that isn’t what the topic is about.
My point was that it is still a mechanic in the game that is against the rules. just like J-ing out could be if administration decides so. So your previous logic doesn’t track.

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That’s sad that these type of rulings can just be if they decide they don’t like what you are doing…

That’s basically the same in any multiplayer game ever.

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Is it? it doesnt seem like they are very specific about what is “Fair play” because there aren’t any examples just “Yeah we don’t like that” and you get punished thankfully this specifically hasnt been punished before I guess?

I highly doubt you’ll find any online game that doesn’t have the clause that Admins can make decisions at their discretion in their TOS (or equivalent).

I do not know.

I don’t know I haven’t really had an issue with having to worry about using a standard game mechanic that is readily available that barely effects anyone.

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Best way to solve this would be to remove the “leave vehicle” menu option entirely, and increase the J-out time for ground vehicles (probably ten seconds), paired with losing all SP earned that life if J-ing out.

This would solve rage quit kill denials, as well as a number of cheesy tactics (cap, J-out, CAS and such), while not impacting the only actual valid use of J-ing out, which is to allow leaving a stuck vehicle (flipped, etc) without having to quit the game.

This is problem in ASB as well.(or maybe worse)
Some people J-ing out because of rejecting kills or his RWR gave launch warnings.

They could also just make it if you J out your vehicle is still there but your crew is gone so they can still get points for killing you idk. I also think they need to completely remove team killing but idk.

The last time I was doomed,


Fought the guy for 4:40 minutes. Ran out of fuel.

Did my best not to crash/fall out of the sky at the low altitude we ended so he could hit me at least once.

But why the differentiation?

Absolutely this… I don’t care who thinks they draw offence from this stance.

Nonsense… If they abuse it in the manner I know they are, then they’re exploiting to do this.

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When Red Orchestra/Rising Storm, Red Orchestra Ostfront(were at their highest), Squad 1944/Post Scriptum, Hell Let Loose. Never been an issue. Cause Tking was almost always expected. But then those were done in mass large player bases of tons of players and bots simultaneously. That gave you the same experience if it was a normal player.

Even if Admins were involved it was solely to deal with hackers. Otherwise, that was it. Taking was expected in those games and it still is expected. Cause if it did happen someone would speak in the mic or someone else would read the text apologizing. Something that doesn’t happen with War Thunder is because the majority are young and immature.

So for you Necro. Sorry man but you haven’t given a solid counter-argument not gonna argue but what you’re saying doesn’t stack against the claim I made.

Even in games such as IL2 Sturmovik when Friendly Fire did occur it was the same story->someone was going to apologize. I’ll give credit where it’s due->The Sorry/apologize feature was positive but some will abuse it. Anywho take care lads, imma go get me some food. :D