And once more XP50 problem :)

I can try to find it when I’m home and at the game, however I remember I was swapping scissors with the XP50 a few times and feeling like it was going nowhere, then my “fear” of the XP50 kicked in and I gave up, didn’t continue and took a retreat. I used both combat and takeoff flaps but the XP50 probably did too and I didn’t gain any advantage. I rather felt that the XP50 was closer to getting me in the crosshairs. I admit that maybe I could have controlled the throttle better. I do not know now.

I’ve been enjoying the Ki-44-II a lot lately so I can probably find out what went wrong.

XP-50 is not something really threatening to me. Ki-44-II is.
if there is really something you should say “broken”, it should be ki44-ii, VL Pyörremyrsky or XP-55

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Yes, the cannon fodder cattle moved into the new fancy top tier premiums, they fly f4s now

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you see it, even if you were right, the result is that the XP50 pilots see it the same way you do, because I feel like in every game one or more XP50s choose me, me. i.e. Ki-44-II

He makes no personal lessons but you can send him replays so he can make instruction videos out of it.

Watch DEFYNs video about flaps, imo you are using them too often.
Do some testflights with XP50 so you can find out some weaknesses of it.

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Lol, don’t tell them about my babyyyyyy

Also @Budkyns might I recommend moving this to the machinery of war section, so it doesn’t get locked for being in the wrong section? :)

That thing is so broken and nobody ever talks about it lol


Yeah, because very few people play it because all they hear about is its cousin the XP-50 XD

You can delete this post, or lock it, thank you all for your replies. I realize this: specifically with the Ki-44, I definitely have room to do something differently and better and be able to deal better against the XP50, on the other hand, if there is an experienced pilot in the XP50 and he has an significant energetic advantage (mainly altitude) and he doesn’t make a mistake as if he won’t, then probably I am done.

And maybe I just have an unnecessary fear of XP50 and it tying my hands.

PS: And I’ll try against XP50 not to do vertical manouvre but instead horizontal manouvre.

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They compress at ~650kph, the Ki-44 won’t. That’s always a possibility.

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that’s why you failed if you had turn fought him you would have won most us planes in my experience have better roll rate than japan but they have worse turn time

Sorry man, this is not correct.

In a slow to medium speed turnfight the Ki-44 will lose against a XP-50. The roll rate of the Ki-44 is actually better, same as the manoeuvrability >600 kmph and the Ki-44 has a much higher dive/rip speed.

Huh, I guess every ki-44 I’ve fought just doesn’t know how to turn then

You mean a defensive diving? And then at high speed ~650 km/h, if XP-50 follows me down, start maneuvering and somehow get behind the tail of the XP-50? because you can’t really aim with Ki-44 at this high speed, the Ki-44 rudder definitely doesn’t work at this speed anymore.

From my experience vertical maneuvers against XP50 is not very effective, do you mean horizontal turning?

I see some truth in what you say, it confirms by my experience. At speeds, say between 200-350kph, I didn’t beat the XP50 in maneuvering, that would be consistent with what you’re saying. I’ll take your observations to heart, and first of all try to maintain a higher speed in a duel with the XP50. And if I get into a fight with XP50 at higher altitudes above 5000km, or if I just meet them that high and see them coming after me, I’ll try to get them lower.

It’s a little more complicated than that, but yes. Again, can you post a server replay of you getting shot down by an XP-50?

Now I don’t know which one it is, you rather watch this replay (my last battle yesterday) and tell me if I played it well, if I have a good handle on the Ki-44, or if I’m a noob and just got lucky. At the end of the battle 1v2 duel (my Ki-44 vs P-51+La-5).