An Insight on Gripen's capabilities

F15 must be the best

It’s American so it HAS to be

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They just ignore that you know new things are going to be better

I like matawg but im cringing so hard when he is playing. Everytime he dogfights he just ends up with 0 engine power, air break, full flaps and just max turn. And then doesnt understand why he stalls hahaha. Every damn time


Lyckad bluff

Det var en ständig kamp mot klockan. En annan arte 719 kom på plats till det fasta batteriet på Tjurkö. Enligt beräkningarna återstod nu 15 minuter innan den sovjetiska flottstyrkan skulle korsa territorialgränsen.

– De beordrades slå på eldledningen trots att den inte var inmätt eller inkopplad. Men det är klart, den sovjetiska amiralen ombord på det största fartyget kunde inte veta det, säger Rolf Lindén.

Sovjeterna var 1 000 meter från gränsen och skulle nå den inom tre minuter. Stämningen i operationsrummet var iskall. Avståndet sjönk till 700 meter och tiden till två minuter. Nu fanns ingen återvändo. Artilleriledningsradarns särskilda hoppfrekvens fick bara användas i krig, för att slå på den krävdes skriftlig order. Lindén skriver ner två rader på papper, ordern undertecknas och vidimeras av sambandsofficeren och sekreteraren. Med 400 meter kvar till svenskt territorium signalerar den sovjetiske amiralen Kalinin hemmabasen från sin jagare: ”Svenskarna är beredda att öppna eld”, och begär instruktioner. Svaret från Sovjet kommer: ”Gör ingenting”.

– 30 sekunder efter att vi slagit på hoppfrekvens kunde vi se att farten gick ner på de sovjetiska fartygen.

Bluffen gick hem."

He actually responded to me

But we already found the document.

I’m not saying it’s not good, I’m saying it shouldn’t be THIS cracked. It’s missing AOA capability right now, it’s just overperforming on sustained turn.

apparently it should be able to do up to 110 degrees AOA

We gonna start holding Yank planes to the same standards, or what?

Oh, interesting. This is new to me, will read!

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do we know if the version we are getting in game is the base JAD39A or the JAS39A with the MS17 upgrade from 2004 that included avionic upgrades (important for this discussion), colored screens and more pylons?

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Also, I didn’t say Saab propoganda, that was my comments: I then proceeded to say that Saab is the best source we have for the performance of the aircraft. Me turning with it in a Gripen has nothing to do with it having greater sustained turn than it should, it was purely for demonstration. The payroll thing was a joke, incase you couldn’t tell. And “running down” isn’t turn no, it was outaccelerating and catching me through mach.

Of course, if they’re overperforming get them nerfed by all means. I play all nations and all vehicles, I really don’t care


I just want it to be comparable to the F16 as it should be so i can stop suffering at top tier as a brit
Haven’t got to use in dev yet


This is only a test of AOA with no limiter not a test of sustainted turning with no limiter no?

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Yeah, it’s specifically AOA. And if the F-16 can do 15Gs ingame I don’t see why the Gripen can’t get its full AOA capability.

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So I wonder then, the other doc you sent stated 30 degrees instantaneous turn and 20 sustained, assuming its with the limiter wonder what the sustained would be with none

Sustained will be the same regardless, sustained turn is the turn you can sustain indefinitely without losing speed. Instantaneous is your max turnrate, disregarding losing speed or not

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Sustained is pretty close in-game. At the deck keeping altitude without losing speed (at around 400km/h-ish) I’m getting a sustained rate of around 23 degrees a second. Min fuel, two wingtip 9Ms.

Youre right I did the math and its only slightly better by about 6 degrees