AMX A1A Should not be at 11.3 on SB

Totally agree it spin alot in SB ^^

It’s not going to go down. It’s obvious that this game mode will be shut down. They omitted changes to sim BR’s again, and it’s an apparent sign. They are just waiting for the player count to reduce some more, and that will be used as a justification. I’ve stopped trying to market WT to DCS players, too bad as the sales are approaching.

No, BR changes in Sim don’t happen with the same frequency as in the other game modes. This isn’t the first time, and doesn’t mean anything of that sort.

Sim gets BR changes usually every other BR change. It is really really annoying, but I wouldn’t take it as evidence for anything other than the fact sim is a lower priority for them. (though, that being said, I do also consider sim to be the more balanced gamemode and outside of a few exceptions, is usually fairly balanced and doesnt need a vast amount of changes. Its only really since the air decompress that a number of issues have arisen.)

July 2023 - a few changes
October 2023 - No changes
January 2024 - minimal changes but new brackets
April 2024 - No Changes
July 2024 - Decompress, some changes from the decompress but new brackets
October 2024 - No Changes (might change, quite a few sim related requests post decompress)

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It’s hard to play with a plane without radar and subsonic in the 11.3 simulator; either you play in an empty match like singleplayer, or you’re just farm for the other players.

Welp, the final BR changes are out and Gaijin left out AMX A-1A. Not too surprising tbh.

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Yeah. Im actually shocked by that. 10.7 was a big ask, but 11.0 seems reasonable to me. That means the AMX A-1A is going to have a higher BR than the Sea Harrier FRS1 with 4x Aim-9Ls. Whether the AMX is better than the FRS1e is a reasonable debate, but 4x 9Ls are defiently better than 2x MAA-1s


The changes are shocking in general. Totally randomly made up s…

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I think it’s absurd for the AMX A1 to be 11.3.
It was a disappointment to buy this plane. He should be 10.7 at RB.

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What’s really crazy is the fact the Mig-23MLD is also going to be 11.3 in Sim. It is superior in every respect but is going to be the same BR. At least this means the AMX will just be able to ground pound with ease in Sim being on the same team. As there will litereally be no one on the opposing team,

Not only in SB, but in RB as well, this plane is a joke, and it will face constantly J-7E’s on 11,3. Gaijin, lower the BR of the AMX A-1A to 10.7


Just great… I thought I’d be in a target rich environment at least but it will be the opposite. At least there is the FRS.1. No need to identify targets when you are the sole member of your team.

It’s a tough task to play against MiG-23s, F-5s, Mirages, and especially F-4s in RB. You only have two missiles to try your luck against the flares, even when playing at 1 km distance. Scoring with bases and ground targets? Forget it, you’re subsonic.

try changing to level , i don’t find any issue when using this mode while turning, but yea with any other mode your gonna spin for sure …
and yea those BR changes didn’t help the amx at all , it deserves to be at least 11.0 but 10.7 seems fine to me…

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Flew the Brazilian AMX on a first mission yesterday…

Love it!

Beautiful to fly, good cockpit, good base killing capability, good agility, and can’t complain about its self defense capability either.

Cute little thing - I call mine “Totoro”…

you were testing it in single player?
because otherwise …

No, flew some matches in it in Sim EC.

you’re the only person that find this airplane correct for that BR.
im suprised, I used it in sim, and its almost awful compared to the br bracket, its competitor is the su39.

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Well, to be honest, I don’t think it would hurt if it went lower, even down to 10.7 like the Italian version, but one can make it work at 11.3.

From 11.7 on, it would of course be painful…

at 11.3 you face F4J, mig23, f14, monsters compared to the capabilities of this airplane.
Remember those AA missile you have are sub1km shot, that prefer even enemy missiles to a f4 full afterburner.