AMX A1A Should not be at 11.3 on SB

Well I’ve been trying out the AMXA1A at SB and oh god , its not a good platform for anything other then ground attack and your facing F4S and other planes with radar missiles , insane radars etc wich makes the amx usless and impossible to use , from my experience on the br range of 11.3 - 12.0 your being locked from your base , the entire enemy team knows where you are .

The amx doesn’t gets a insane payload like the tornado does and its much slower …
If you even try to do something in it your just losing SL from doing it cuz you might get a kill but your gonna have to dodge 10 missiles to then be able to start playing the game .

There was once that i literaly just spawned and i was hearing my RWR beeping and someone already tracking my plane and once i got up on the air I’ve seen 2 missiles on it before i got insta killed by an phantom .

Its dumb and makes no sense at all to have it at 11.3 at least on SB


Most 11.3 planes struggle at 12.0 … but yes, I think the AMX A1A should be no more than 11.0

What’s even funny is the AMX A-1A is just a side grade if not a downgrade compared to the tech tree AMX and that sits at 10.7 (2 steps below). Gaijin thinks if a missile pulls few more Gs, then the plane must go up. MAA-1 isn’t even that good on the AMX, it has short range due to subsonic platform and short burn time, can be easily flared due to wide FoV.


I don’t know about you guys, but also the flight performance of the AMX in sim absolutely awful. The devs say this:

Pros and cons


  • Powerful anti-air missile MAA-1
  • Excellent acceleration and flight performance
  • Guided bombs
  • Powerful 30mm DEFAs
  • LITENING can lock onto planes, providing advanced gun aim assist against aircraft (generally a feature only expected of a 11.0+ plane with a radar)

The AMX absolutely does NOT have a stable flight performance. You can be going at almost mach .7 roughly and still spin out of control after turning for 2 seconds. The devs need to fix the flight controls on the AMX so bad.

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Agree…well not only in sim battles, but also in realistic

Not really the devs. If thats from the wiki then its just members of the community

Try SAS: Damping Mode. Might fix that issue

Looking at it…

2x All-aspect missiles
Large CM count
but no radar or IFF but does have IRST (I think) (Tpod can be used to VID at longer ranges though is handy to have)

I think Id place it about the same as the Sea Harrier FRS1e at 10.7. Though gaijin is obsessed with the idea of guided weapons being of high value in air modes recently

That being said, does have a decent looking bomb load and can actually deal with things like convoys are stuff, so shouldnt be entirely discounted

Just tested. The flight model is not bugged at all it’s exactly the same as Alphajets.
-Loaded with bombs it is you can till 450 kph for CAS pass so tight turns for not loosing targets.
-Loaded with rockets 350kph.

The only bug he got is like the alpha jets, the rocket ballistic computer is litteraly false you have to aim far higher for hit targets.

Not surprising, considering it is designed as a light attack aircraft.

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now looking also at this new update we got two vehicles wich are from the same role as the AMX , and got at the same br also, the su 24 and the a10C , both of them gets air-ground missiles are MUCH faster and have even better missiles then the AMX , but yet gaijin thinks they are equivalent
the AMX yet needs to face su27, mig 29, f14 etc on full uptiers wich is just impossible to play against and your not even going to reach the bases or ground targets when there is at least one of them flying …

Su24, Su25SM3, A10C better than J7D and J7E, you know? And Su24, A10C equal J8B. It’s okey

The A-10C much faster than the AMX ?

Anyways, A-10C is OP at 11.3, people can run away or die XD

Unfortunately, it still spins out of control after turning too hard even in Damping Mode.

Did you try it in Realistic or Sim battles. It wont spin out of control in Realistic, however in Sim it most definitely will. Even when damping is on.

I’ve got it, but yet to play it. I’ll have a go in it sometime this week and report back. See if I encounter the same issues

MAA-1 and not AIM-9L (fast but fly straight for 1sec anbd smaller lead circel so it’s wore then the 9L in close range
AMX in tech tree (10,7) better bomb loadout
30mm defa not any better then the 20mm M61A1
LITENING will lose lock all the time making it useless as eegs lead (AMX got eegs aswell)

Totally agree it spin alot in SB ^^

It’s not going to go down. It’s obvious that this game mode will be shut down. They omitted changes to sim BR’s again, and it’s an apparent sign. They are just waiting for the player count to reduce some more, and that will be used as a justification. I’ve stopped trying to market WT to DCS players, too bad as the sales are approaching.

No, BR changes in Sim don’t happen with the same frequency as in the other game modes. This isn’t the first time, and doesn’t mean anything of that sort.

Sim gets BR changes usually every other BR change. It is really really annoying, but I wouldn’t take it as evidence for anything other than the fact sim is a lower priority for them. (though, that being said, I do also consider sim to be the more balanced gamemode and outside of a few exceptions, is usually fairly balanced and doesnt need a vast amount of changes. Its only really since the air decompress that a number of issues have arisen.)

July 2023 - a few changes
October 2023 - No changes
January 2024 - minimal changes but new brackets
April 2024 - No Changes
July 2024 - Decompress, some changes from the decompress but new brackets
October 2024 - No Changes (might change, quite a few sim related requests post decompress)

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