AMX A1A Should not be at 11.3 on SB

I think a big help for it is that you can fly with redfor. Meaning you have Mig-23MLDs and Mig23MLs covering you. Most bluefor nations can only bring to bear 10.7 or the 11.3 bracket.

I would not even try to fly the AMA A1A on a bluefor team

Not sure, but I think I’ve done both.

What I’m usually skeptical about, is going against Sweden…

I feel defenceless in this plane.
its the first one in which I have this feeling, I can make it work, I can get money, I can bomb base and cas, but almost every time, if I get spotted, or if I spot someone, I explode, because no radar, no good missiles, no IFF.

for comparison the su39 at the same br can slave IR missiles to radar to “clean its space” and has IRCCM covering the back, so mi only choice is “front or side” where the piranha are… bad.

Well, the F-5E FCU is even a notch higher, has no IFF, and a bad radar (which is thus best turned off to not alert enemies), and yet is my best fighter. Not using radar is the trick here to sneak up on targets that rely a lot on RWR. Not comparable if it comes to flight performance, obviously…

So far, I think not a single Piranha I fired missed its target, so I don’t think they’re too bad. They feel similar to Magic 2’s, I find, if not even a bit better due to higher speed.

Sure, it’s no Su-25/39, and no A-10, and no Tornado or Fitter either. It’s a small lightweight attacker, but one that does its job quite ok. Maybe a bit like an AV-8B (NA), but without any stand off capability, or a bit slower Jaguar IS…

that’s crazy for me.
I compare them to a aim9l with aim9b seeker instead.
they miss almost 100% of the time, going for flares, rocket, anything else except the enemy plane o_o.

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yea, from my experience the piranhas are disgustingly bad … they are not reliable at all sometime you can even sneak up on a enemy but if he shoots a missile most of the time it will decide to go for the missile instead of the plane .
considering that the amx a1a is at the same br as some much faster planes with similar and/or better ordinance / missiles makes me frustaded .
It feels like an pay to lose situation rn . I bring it to sim it sucks , bring it to realistic air rb disgusting , bring it to ground rb the payload is weak compared to others and the spaa’s are very good already.
I just bought it because im a brazilian and wanted to support our equipment being added but this is just awfull , people are not gonna buy this if they are not brazilian , it doesn’t makes sense , you get a equal/similar one for free and at a lower br so you dont have too face an mirage 2000 or compete with tordados for the bases

It should go to 11.0 of course, but I’m doing just fine with it at 11.3. The missiles are great. They have less than 2 seconds burn time so they are in effect semi smokeless. They have a higher range than the 9L especially when fired upwards, I have managed pretty crazy shots with it. On the downside the guidance delay is the same as in other missiles, but it flies much further in that fraction of time than other missiles. It also attains a very high speed early on. Those facts make it suboptimal in head on shots. If you are getting close in a head on do not bother and waste a missile.

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