To start off, I don’t think I have EVER seen anyone play this tank.
I will be compeering it to the AMX-30B2 BRENUS, as they are very similar and both at BR 8.7.
The negatives of the AMX-30B2 (compeered to BRENUS)
- Lack of ERA
- Lack of EIREL soft kills APS
- only has x4 smoke grenades in x2 burst, compeered to BENUS which has x28 in x7 burst.
So for all those negatives what would it possible have for advantages you ask? The AMX-30B2 is is 1 tone lighter, which means it has ever so slightly better mobility.
So from the above reasons I can not understand why the AMX-30B2 is the same BR as the BRENUS, as it is just a worse tank. Keep in mind that at this BR the BRENUS ERA and APS is actually useful, not just a gimmick.