Amx 30 super unplayable

9.3 does not exist


It’s France. Get used to it.

9.3 France is one of the strongest lineups in the game…


AMX-32 105, AMX-32 120, AMX-30 Super if one has it, F-100D, Alpha Jet/Etendard, and Gazelle.
Santal if you like anti-air, and SK-105A2 for a light tank if you want one.

Been enjoying the lineup since before it was decompressed.

Not so sure but if you’re enjoying that line-up then good for you buddy.

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lineup, which almost all times fighting against 10.0-10.3 is not strong by default.


Oh no as if French tanks at 9.3 cant fight those BRs with ease all having thermals, LRF and best darts for BR. OFL 105 F1 nearly matches DM23 in angle pen by having 28mm less pen at as low as 8.7.

But “Muh french tanks bad, no line up at 9.3” yeah cause half of the tanks in this BR range can be uptiered and wont even notice it.

It isn’t, cause at maximum it only faces 4 10.3 players, which were once 10.0.
And 10.0 was once 9.7.
So the lineup faces them less often as it doesn’t face the 10.7s at all anymore.
On top of every other tech tree’s 9.3 lineup being equal or worse than France’s.
Soviet’s 9.3 lineup is worse for example.

The AMX-30 Super is amazing. Matchmaking sucks yeah, but the tank itself is great.

I play Russia at BR 9.3 in ground rb atm. If we get uptiered to 10.0-10.3, we win, if not, we lose.

If they can fix its Gunner sight magnification from 8x-12X to 4x-12x it will be even better.

Welcome to France suffer