American F16A vs. Isreal Netz

I’m kinda wondering. Why is the American F-16 A block 10 at 12.7 but the F16A block 10 Netz at 13.0? Because it gets python 3s? Really? They are both only IR missile carriers in a radar missile meta. Yes the python 3s are a upgrade over the aim9l but not worth to be 13.0 where you find yourself 70% of the time at top tier… Who made that? I guess we need more decompression most F16 are overtiered atm and need to go down.


And don’t forget F15 is at 13.0 too with 8 missiles and 4 of them are aim9ms


If two vehicles are a slightest bit different Gaijin treats them as they are completely separate and then “player statistics” comes into play and “balances”.

Most ppl that don’t know how to play the game and that are mostly ppl who play america. Bombing up to top tier and making planes OP for the players who are good. Nice job

13.0 is a sad br for planes with bad radar missiles or non irccm missiles, netz should go down

funnily enough last decompression update actually compressed top tier more, before f4s couldnt see gripen, now it can

My dream is to shake the hand of the person who put NETZ on BR 13.0 and tell him that all the breast milk he drank was a waste, since his brain did not fully develop.


BR compression at top tier is a nightmare

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I mean what can even a netz do against a grippen in a real fight… Nothing. And Aim9m work kinda wierd. So I heard they shut down the searcg head on guess where you go. Is the aim9m playing with dices in its search head to guess where you are but is correct 90% of the time… Like WTF

When a 9M sees flares, it turns off its seeker and uses IOG to try and predict where you’re headed. You can dodge a 9M easily by periodically flaring so that the 9M permanently has its seeker off.

I did this guess what it got me. I spammed flares and turned away its got me

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