Yea every time I see it on dcs it’s horrible at dogfighting, probably because you can’t remove the cfts or empty them afaik
The dcs one also has the 220e engines
That explains it more then
Then the F-15I would have better air (more CM) and better ground (Popeyes have much longer range than Mavericks), even if F-15E got 229 and AGM-130
I’m okay with that
But can it carry 6 popeyes is the question
If it only takes 2 or 4 and they take up multiple other weapon slots then I think it would be okay to add them
Can take 2 afaik, on wings. Same with agm-130 so to get close to F-15I Popeye range the F-15E would have to sacrifice its mavericks for a worse missile than what I will get
I’m fine with that, I’d still take the 6 mavs, slower missile and lower chance of a kill but 3 of them take 1 slot
Imo spice bomb is way to go as Popeye has like 78km range
If it has above 20km of range it wouldn’t matter in game, tgps only lock up to 20
I don’t think the producing nation should ever find itself in the situation of having a worse equivalent of something they’ve exported if parity is possible, but equally, I don’t believe the producing nation has a given right to be superior if parity is possible. IMO balance and parity should always be the aim.
And in regards to the points I made on SARH / engines, I’m fully aware it’s historic and not even remotely suggesting that we should have done otherwise. Those examples I gave aren’t and weren’t meant to be comparing to the The F-15E situation, I was just using them as examples for how Israel has been the one on the short end of the capability stick thus far, and giving perspective to the guy you were replying to saying he’s excited for something good.
Thats likely to change soon imo, only a matter of time
Could it even increase by much? I was always under the impression this was more of a game engine limitation.
Idk, even if it is they are constantly working on improving the engine
I’d hope so with all the additions of gps weapons
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the Ra´am can just carry 2 AGM-142 losing 4 Air-to air missiles it would only have 4 under the fuselage.
I hope you get a proper answer soon. I think we’ve waited a long time, and we’ve had enough time to check and discuss this topic. Now we want a proper answer.