Ever since they added the 11.3 premiums all I’ve been getting is the braindead teammates. I swear 8 out of 10 matches are a loss because of this garbage. Oh you want to play 10.3 well too bad were gonna up tier you and make you deal with 10,000 IQ enemies but 2 IQ teammates.
let me guess, America main?
Wont comment on teammates, but the last few times i’ve tried to play 10.7. Every single match, is 11.3/11.7 lobbies.
Somewhat, but I’ll play any nation depending on my mood, what I need to grind, or what my nations my friends are playing and who they get paired with the most. Started out US, then grinded USSR, Germany, Sweden, Italy, and now on China in that order.
Lemme guess u got 8 clickbaits on ur team?
Also i realize that when on on france/britain/italy/japan or israel winrate is usually higher than being in team like german ussr or usa
just my thought tho
No, I get the T-80ud’s or the Leo 2A4s where they are level 12-20 and its the only vehicle they have. I haven’t gotten Click-Bates on my team for a while since I’m grinding china and i get mostly paired with German or Russia.
I see
Depends on nation in my experience. Germany 7.7 is normally downtiers, 7.7 russia, uptiers, 5.3 britain is uptiers, 5.3 japan downtiers, ect ect, may also be time of day depending on what the most popular BR’s are for the time.
Are you getting downtiers when playing Japan??
I have to witness that!!
You aren’t? Clearly you haven’t paid the snail recently. I find blood sacrifices to be the best but wallets are also accepted
yea my experience on 9.3 germany so far has been 10 matches 8 uptiers pure pain
This is absolutely true.
The “famous” nations tend to get a higher percentage of new/casual players.
Just a quick tour through the BR’s of various vehicles will show this.
One of the reasons I main Italy/France. The problem is I keep getting stuck on teams with Germany. Sigh.
Does anybody know where people get the winrate graphs? I wants them.
Not just 10.7 @Morvran. Its getting awfull nowadays.
Getting 10 kills a match on average, yet i still lose by a big margin.
Yeah, I rarely play other BRs, so I rarely see what is going. For Air I just play Sim. So no uptiers, I gave up with ARB because of it.
Naval 5.7 is not too bad but I often just play 7.0 to avoid any issues
but Ground, Unless its the rare GSB rotation I like, its always an uptier and it is in part that reason why I simply choose not to play GRB much
You have this at a lot of BRs, but you notice it faster at the higher ones because the matches are faster paced.
There is no reason to win, there is almost no reward. There is no reason to spawn more than once if you have nothing or don’t want to bother. The reward for staying in the match longer, with more respawns, should be increased in one way or another. But without making people play too passive.
The age of the 30-45 minute GRB matches are long gone (sadly), but I hope they will introduce something to change this. Maybe a GRB queue for those that like long matches on big maps only. Then make on for those that enjoy short matches on small maps too. Splitting the playerbase is the best thing to do, there are so many of us now.
to be fair im a usa main and i get ok teammates although they are for some reason better at getting their teammates killed other then killing the enemy team but thats just my side XD